Anger in #Melbourne at @TurnbullMalcolm’s #OurABC cuts: @Jansant reports

Crowd at Federation Square in Melbourne on Sunday protesting against Abbott Government ABC cuts. Photo John Englart

Crowd at Federation Square on Sunday protesting against Abbott Government ABC cuts. Photo John Englart

Federation Square Sunday, 2000 to 4000 people turn up to protest against the Abbott Government #OurABC cuts.

People of all ages and backgrounds stood in the Melbourne sunshine to send a clear message to the Federal Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm):

No ifs, no buts, no ABC cuts.

Pre-rally, the crowd was entertained by a collection of theme songs/tunes from some of our dearest ABC shows, including Bananas In Pyjamas.

Corrinne Grant (@corinne_grant), a proud member of the Media Entertainment Arts Alliance (@mediaalliance), MC’d at the rally and said:

Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten MP (@billshortenmp) headed up the list of speakers which included President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions Ged Kearney (@GedKACTU) and Adam Bandt MP (@AdamBandt).

Bill Shorten MP:

In philosophical discussion, in science and the arts, in political satire and the relentless pursuit of vested interests, our ABC has few peers on the planet.

Ged Kearney gave an hilarious speech full of puns on show names of the ABC, prompting MC Corrine Grant to urge the crowd to call the pun police.

Ged Kearney President Australian Council of Trade Unions

Ged Kearney President Australian Council of Trade Unions delivers hilarious speech of ABC puns. Photo: Wayne Jansson

A repeat offender, Kearney’s puns didn’t end with her speech.

Ged Kearney ACTU

Ged Kearny uses humour to express her outrage at Turnbull and Abbott ABC cuts. Photo: John Englart

The Greens were also well represented at the rally with Adam Bandt being joined by Greens state candidate for Melbourne Ellen Sandell (@ellensandell) and Federal Senator Scott Ludlam (@SenatorLudlam).

Adam Bandt MP Ellen Sandell Senator Scott Ludlam

Green Power – Adam Bandt MP, #VICvotes candidate Ellen Sandell and Senator Scott Ludlam pose for the punters. Photo: Wayne Jansson

The rally was organised by Friends of the ABC and the Community and Public Sector union (@CPSUnion), which represents many of the ABC workers most at risk of loosing their jobs.

ABC workers loose jobs

Louise from ABC Southbank studio wants to keep her job and save our ABC. Photo: Wayne Jansson

People joined the rally for many different reasons which included:

  • Protect trustworthy news and current affairs.
  • Ensure vital regional and rural content is maintained.
  • Aussie kids deserve Aussie produced shows.
  • Vital emergency broadcasts.
  • An independent media voice.
  • etc, etc, etc
content variety investment in Australian artists

Peter joined the rally to ensure content variety and investment in Australian artists continues. Photo: Wayne Jansson

The Guardian journalist Van Badham (@vanbadham) led the Banana Block.

@vanbadham @emilymillane & @AnnieStockton the Banana Block. Photo: Wayne Jansson

@vanbadham @emilymillane & @AnnieStockton the Banana Block. Photo: Wayne Jansson

The Community and Public Sector union (CPSU) handed out postcards which they hope will flood Turnbull’s desk, their Twitter handle is @CPSUnion if you want to get in on the act.

CPSU distributed postcards for Malcolm Turnbull MP, to let him now they plan on saving our ABC. Photo: John Englart

CPSU distributed postcards for Malcolm Turnbull MP, to let him know they plan on saving our ABC. Photo: John Englart

At the conclusion of the rally, Bill Shorten MP held a press conference about Abbott and Turnbull’s cuts to our ABC.

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