April 11, 2019 – Table of contents
Scare at Peter Dutton’s office turns out to be a rat trap
Scott Morrison calls the election for May 18
Adani set to feature in election campaign
Scare at Peter Dutton’s office turns out to be a rat trap
Allyson Horn was out early in Peter Dutton’s seat of Dickson to gauge the reaction to the election date call.
However, she may not have been expecting to be covering Queensland police appearing in regard to a suspicious box.
Fellow ABC Brisbane journalists Josh Bavas and Shelley Lloyd responded that the object appeared to be a rat trap.
Indi, you give me fever
Wayne Jansson reports on the campaign in Indi, “Last night in the rural city of Benalla 230 #IndiVotes constituents attended a ‘meet the candidates’ evening hosted by local journalist Libby Price.” Election fever in #IndiVotes as 230 attend rural #Benalla candidates night.
Adani set to feature in election campaign
As we saw in the Queensland state election in 2017, the issue of Adani’s Carmichael coal mine proposal for central Queensland is set to feature across the five-week campaign. Expect to see multiple protests around both
Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten as they make their stops throughout the nation’s electorates.
There will be a fair amount of blame and politicking over Adani throughout the campaign. However, it’s the Queensland Department of Energy, Environment and Science, not the Queensland environment minister, that will examine the Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Management Plan (GDEMP) and the Black-throated Finch Plan before any real digging can commence.
A good piece by Ben Smee on the approval process explains where the project is at. If you hear a claim during the campaign, come back and check it against Ben’s article, Adani’s Carmichael coalmine: what happens next?
Stephen Long and Michael Slezak have also examined the difficult position federal Environment Minister Melissa Price was in over the reports from Geoscience Australia and the CSIRO, and the Queensland Liberal National Party piling on the pressure to approve the groundwater plan before the election was called. Inside Melissa Price’s decision to approve Adani’s groundwater plan.
Scott Morrison calls the election for May 18
Speculation that the election date would be announced began late last night with a tweet from Sharri Markson that Prime Minister Scott Morrison would call a May 18 date.
Ms Markson also reported that there had been a plan to go to the Governor-General in the dark. A source to NoFibs corroborated this report.
“Who do you trust?” Morrison said at a press conference after returning from from the Governor-General, using an electioneering question made famous by former Prime Minister John Howard.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten also held a press conference in Melbourne and talked about unity, health, education, climate change and jobs.
Policies that should be put to voters at the forthcoming Australian Federal elections
n the forthcoming Australian Federal elections to be held on 11, 18 or 25 May, the choice of candidates should include candidates who support policies that would attempt to preserve and, where possible, improve our quality of life. Such a candidate, if elected, would begin trying to rectify the harm that has been done in recent years to global peace and stability, our natural environment, civil rights and our quality of life, by corporations, NGOs and governments – federal, state and local. We believe such a candidate would support the policies listed below. We intend to ask each candidate standing for each House of Representatives seat and for each of the 12 Senate seats for each state, whether he/she supports, or is opposed to each of the policies