“A couple of weeks back one of my sons dropped by for a few days and introduced me to Twitter,” wrote Gratton Wilson in his debut article for No Fibs. “Turned out it was like taking on a new job,” he observed. In the three years since, this scientist and activist, who died on June […]
A son’s endless political conversation with activist elder @GrattonWilson, AO MSc 1929-2014: @BenGrant58
Climate change election no-show a shame for all of us: @GrattonWilson

By Gratton Wilson The important matter of climate change seems to have received little attention by politicians during the election debate. There have been some exchanges but nothing substantial has been added by the chief players. There has been significant contributions from experts, all of whom confirm that the Coalition Direct Action Plan will […]
Why do we believe what we do about boat people: @GrattonWilson reflects

By Gratton Wilson I have been following the debate about asylum refugees attempting to come to Australia by boats organised by ‘people smugglers’ on Twitter and associated documents. I was particularly attracted to a comment about the embedded cultural attitude we appear to still have towards people who we judge to be different. This made me […]
Election 2013 climate change policies: @GrattonWilson reports

By Gratton Wilson I started to write this note a few days ago but like most people interested in removing greenhouse gas pollution from the atmosphere I was thrown into confusion on learning that the Government had changed its policy of putting a price on carbon by means of a fixed price. The change […]