PYNE #ASHBY TWISTER: Can anyone draft a @QandA question Pyne can't find a way not to answer? — š£Margo Kingstonš§š„ (@margokingston1) February 2, 2013 MrĀ Pyne, do youĀ condoneĀ the theft of diaries from MPs? If not what action should be taken against people who request & receive stolen goods? What is your attitude to stealing the […]
Questions for Mr Pyne
February 3, 2013
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, Ashby Conspiracy, Guest Author, Jane Cattermole, Margo Kingston, Tony The Geek Tagged With: Abbott, Brough, James Ashby, Stolen Diary, Tony Abbott
Abbott faces questions over Hanson slush fund
December 4, 2012
Source: The 730 Report ABC TV 26 August 2003 KERRY O’BRIEN: Welcome to the program. A political furore has erupted over revelations that one of the Howard Government’s most senior ministers, Tony Abbott, set up a slush fund to pay for legal challenges to Pauline Hanson and her party, One Nation. Despite repeated denials back […]
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, Guest Author, Margo Kingston, The Hanson Affair Tagged With: Abbott Slush Fund, Citizen Journalism, John Howard, Pauline Hanson, Tony Abbott, Twitter