On April 24 Pia Waugh of the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) announced the first ever release of Australian Federal Budget Data in Excel and CSV formats. This is the culmination of both internal and external lobbying by open data and budget transparency advocates. There are many people within the Finance Department committed to improving […]
Let’s deepen MSM-citizen collaboration to ask government for data we can mine, by @Info_Aus
By Rosie Williams, 10 January, 2014 Source: infoaus.net In this report called Life in the Clickstream: The Future of Journalism, Australia’s Media Alliance discusses the ways in which new technologies and economic events in recent years have put the future of an entire industry under threat. The internet brought with it a cultural expectation that content be […]
Citizens Against Rorting of Entitlements (CARE) Policy Response Survey, by @budget_aus
By Rosie Williams 1 November 2013 Source: InfoAus What do you, I and US Secretary of State John Kerry have in common? We are all protagonists of grassroots activism. You can’t have democracy without the demos and I heard John Kerry tell of the grassroots activism leading to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency this […]
Time for citizen action on MP travel scams: @budget_aus has a go
[clear] By Rosie Williams 20 October 2013 I have been working to improve Australia’s budget transparency for a year now. I built the first ever implementation of the entire federal budget as an online searchable database at BudgetAus. The database allows you to search across every agency and portfolio, providing a total of spending (with all forward years […]