[ts_fab authorid=”2″ tabs=”bio,twitter,custom”] This is the second in a new No Fibs series edited by Margo under her collaborative thesis. The first piece was by Michael Burge … and the next one will be by Tim Dunlop. The Fifth Estate might be new kid on the block, but it already packs a mighty punch above its weight. Everyone […]
Storify: Melbourne #MarchInMarch Street Party Protest @geeksrulz
[View the story “Melbourne #MarchInMarch Street Party Protest” on Storify] Read More from the March In March Archive
How the media stuffed up twice on $10 billion black hole yarn
Supreme confusion reigns among our esteemed media on the story, the players, their roles and the status of information released by the Government today. The Government claims that earlier performed departmental costings and modelling of the Coalition’s policies showed that they are likely to produce a $10 Billion black hole. Below is a quick summary […]
@geeksrulz compares IPA 100 point list and Labor policies and achievements
Interesting comparison in the ideas debate of policies, ideology and outcomes. The highlighted items on the IPA list are the ones the Coalition has committed to implementing. Please also check out Margo’s My people’s petition for Abbott to reveal his other IPA policies. IPA Conservative Manifesto Updated 2019 IPA Wishlist Updated 2019 Sell the ABC Hold […]
Mal Brough style politics is back
A record breaking news and information about #menugate collated from Twitter
The MSM’s NDIS: Make the frame, change the frame, WTFs the frame?
By Tony ‘The Geek’ Yegles May 4 2013 I was fascinated by the media’s framing of the NDIS debate this week. Within 48 hours it moved from reporting a naked tax grab by the Prime Minister, to a worthy initiative when Mr Abbott put the national interest ahead of his political interest. Update below May 15 […]