The only election flyers I have received during this campaign have been from Palmer United Party (PUP). The first was a CD of speeches and a Titanic clip, mass produced in China and distributed to every home in Western Australia; then a written message from Clive Palmer telling me that only PUP can get rid of […]
Freedom and Prosperity Party’s @NoDirectAction campaigns from east coast: @GuinevereHall reports #WAvotes
[clear] A handful of the 77 candidates vying to represent Western Australia in the rerun Senate election live in other states. I contacted Bill Koutalianos, president of the Freedom and Prosperity Party and its number one senate candidate, via Twitter and email. At first he said he wasn’t intending to come to Perth in the […]
No ‘Big Australia’: @GuinevereHall meets Sustainable Population Party for #WAvotes
[clear] Last week I caught up with the Sustainable Population Party’s candidate for the WA Senate election, Peter Strachan, and party founder and president, William Bourke. Mr Strachan has always interested in the population issue, having worked 11 years in a variety of countries, he has seen the impact of unsustainable population growth. “When I […]
First impressions of a Pirate Party: @GuinevereHall reports on #WAvotes
After the surprise showing of minor parties at the 2013 Senate election there has been plenty of interest in the Pirate Party’s policies and preferences during the 2014 West Australian Senate rerun. Last week I spoke to Fletcher Boyd, the lead candidate for the Pirate Party Australia, which did not contest the 2013 WA Senate election […]
Storify: #MarchInMarch Perth reported by @GuinevereHall and @Trixie_Boo
[View the story “How the West was run: #MarchInMarch Perth” on Storify] Read More from the March In March Archive
Disquiet on the western front: @GuinevereHall interviews Senator Scott Ludlam #WAVotes
The Greens’ Senator Scott Ludlam is having the time of his life. Five years after being elected he has seen his personal profile rise to the point that he’s now getting recognised on the street. There was also a lot of attention garnered from his “Welcome to WA” speech that went viral. Senator Ludlam spoke at […]
Progressive, to a point: @GuinevereHall interviews the ALP’s Senator Louise Pratt
Before meeting with Senator Louise Pratt I needed to do a quick Google search, because West Australian senators don’t seem to have high profiles, and the Senate election appears less personality-driven than the election of House of Representatives, with the exception of a few players. Senator Pratt is currently the Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Climate […]
Fringe dwellers, sharks, preference paybacks and viral videos: @GuinevereHall reports on #WAvotes
The candidates for the West Australian Senate election have been quick off the mark with opening statements on how they see the issues. The Liberal Party, with the most to lose from the Senate rerun, came out hard against minor parties. Julie Bishop said: “The outcome of this election will not mean a change of […]
Counting and counting again, and again: @GuinevereHall on the #WAvotes
As I write this, a new election is to be held for the Western Australian Senate, the first time this has happened since 1907, when there was a re-vote for a single Senate position in South Australia. How did it come to this? The 2013 WA Senate election saw Labor’s Louise Pratt and the Palmer […]
Election campaign? Tangney election wrap by @GuinevereHall
By Guinevere Hall 2 September, 2013 I recently discussed the election with my 19 year old hair dresser after I remarked that she would be voting for the first time. She only enrolled when sent a notice saying she was going to be fined. Her colleague called out, “It’s only $20”, to which she […]