Narrabri coal seam gas – where are we up to? @Ppl4Plains reports #Pilliga and #LockTheGate

For over ten years, the threat of a gasfield in the Pilliga State Forest to the south of Narrabri has hung over our heads. People for the Plains is a local group that first gathered in 2013 to educate ourselves and the broader community about the gasfield threats and I have been part of that […]

Florries, family ties, pelicans and wheelie bins for @malleeray in #malleevotes: @davelennonabc reports

It was a funny old week during which not a lot happened publicly, apart from preparations continuing behind the scenes for that moment Scomo says go! The big difference was that unlike last week — when it took a 6am start to allow time to drive over to Kerang and Pyramid Hill — this time […]

PNG Police arrest award winning journalist @BehrouzBoochani as #Manus brutality breaks #auspol: @Jansant reports

PNG police have arrested award winning journalist and Manus detainee, @BehrouzBoochani. Behrouz’s last tweet before being arrested: Peter Dutton stop propaganda against created this situation and you are responsible. You are lying to people that you built new accommodation. Those places are real prison, stop using ppl for your political benefits. — Behrouz Boochani […]

Santos Chairman admits business plan assumes 4C #globalwarming reports @takvera

It was revealed at Santos AGM in Adelaide on 4 May 2017 by Chairman Peter Coates that the company business plan is based upon a 4 degrees temperature rise scenario from climate change. This is at odds with commitments outlined in a statement on climate risk disclosure in April to investors. Santos Chairman Peter Coates […]

Permanent #VicGasBan a win for people power, agriculture and #climate reports @takvera

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a permanent ban on the exploration and development of all onshore unconventional gas in Victoria, including hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) and coal seam gas. Victoria is the first Australian state to ban onshore fracking.

Part 13 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Red room and the quest for Queensland fixed four year terms: @Qldaah #qldpol

Opinion The referendum this Saturday on fixed four year terms for the Queensland state parliament will fail. I know this because voters have two main concerns. They fear a return of a “Campbell Newman”; not being able to oust a bad premier for four long years. Queenslanders have also expressed a long harboured desire to restore the upper house which […]

Occupation of #Santos #Pilliga #CSG site by traditional owners, local farmers reports @takvera

Santos plans for a Coal seam gas field in the Pilliga region of western NSW has met stiff opposition from local farmers and traditional owners. A Santos test site was occupied today by 120 people in a mass civil disobedience action. 120 people joined traditional owners from the Gamilaraay / Gomeroi mob in occupying the […]

Everyone wants prompt government response to CSG Review : #environment @richardsheggie reports

The long-awaited Independent CSG Review The Final Report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW was released by the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer (CSE) on September 30, 2014. The technical, business and academic qualifications and experience of the Chair of the CSG Review, Professor Mary O’Kane, make her eminently suitable to […]

A crash course in CSG’s courtship of farmers: @Thom_Mitchell reports from #Pilliga #leardblockade

“IF the people of Narrabri think they’re going on a date with the handsome new stranger in town, they’re going to go home and find they’ve been raped,” president of People for the Plains, Hugh Barrett, said as we strained to hear. Hugh was giving an interview to ABC radio Tamworth. He was referring to […]