It was a funny old week during which not a lot happened publicly, apart from preparations continuing behind the scenes for that moment Scomo says go! The big difference was that unlike last week — when it took a 6am start to allow time to drive over to Kerang and Pyramid Hill — this time […]
Florries, family ties, pelicans and wheelie bins for @malleeray in #malleevotes: @davelennonabc reports
PNG Police arrest award winning journalist @BehrouzBoochani as #Manus brutality breaks #auspol: @Jansant reports
PNG police have arrested award winning journalist and Manus detainee, @BehrouzBoochani. Behrouz’s last tweet before being arrested: Peter Dutton stop propaganda against created this situation and you are responsible. You are lying to people that you built new accommodation. Those places are real prison, stop using ppl for your political benefits. — Behrouz Boochani […]
A crash course in CSG’s courtship of farmers: @Thom_Mitchell reports from #Pilliga #leardblockade
“IF the people of Narrabri think they’re going on a date with the handsome new stranger in town, they’re going to go home and find they’ve been raped,” president of People for the Plains, Hugh Barrett, said as we strained to hear. Hugh was giving an interview to ABC radio Tamworth. He was referring to […]
Show us the #CSG data on health and wellbeing: Mark Doyle reports
By Mark Doyle What are the risks of coal seam gas mining on the health and wellbeing of people and their communities? I am a facts and figures kind of person. When people claim health benefits for coffee or chocolate, or health risks from eating saturated fats, my response is, ‘show me the data!’ Such […]
An uneasy truce: Sally MacKinnon reports
By Sally MacKinnon I live on top of a mountain on the edge of Lamington National Park, the largest protected subtropical rainforest in the world. It is on the eastern edge of the Scenic Rim region, a Local Government Area (LGA) in south-east Queensland covering 4256 square kilometres. It is home to approximately 39,000 […]
#CSG showdown in Gloucester @1earthmedia reports
By Mark Anning reports from Gloucester, NSW The NSW Government is considering an application by giant gas company AGL to begin the controversial and risky process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, at Forbesdale, just south of Gloucester in the Manning Valley NSW – less than 300 metres from the nearest family home and less than 600 […]
A fair go – the right to say ‘no’: Phil Laird reports
By Phil Laird Weeks of rumours that peak industry bodies were providing input into the proposed amendments to the Petroleum (Onshore) Act, regarding access agreements and permits, finally found their way into social media. The Act has had amendments proposed, the most controversial of which are about access to land for petroleum (read: unconventional […]
Same state, different rules: Penny Blatchford @NoCSGGurley asks why some people in NSW get special treatment?
By Penny Blatchford Most Australians enjoy the freedom to make choices about their lives – whom we marry, if we will have children, where we live and where we work. It would seem for people like me who choose to marry a farmer, have a family, live on the farm and make that farm our […]