Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) spoke with Julia Banks (@juliabanksmp) in the final days of her campaign as an Independent candidate for the safe Liberal seat of Flinders. Julia on whether there was an ulterior motive behind the decision to run against Greg Hunt:- I made the decision way back in August that I wasn’t going to […]
Julia Banks hopes to break Lib entitlement in Flinders: @margokingston1 #FlindersVotes #podcast
Ray Kingston closes in on the nation’s safest seat: @margokingston1 #MalleeVotes #podcast
The electorate of Mallee, until now, has been the safest seat in the nation. Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) spoke with Independent candidate Ray Kingston (@MalleeRay) in the final days of his campaign. The National Party has been doing a heap of polling here, and they are acting like they are pretty concerned, so I will take […]
Dr Andy Lewis calls for #ClimateAction leaders with vision: @margokingston1 #QldVotes #podcast
Dr Andy Lewis has lived in North Queensland for the past 32 years while working as a marine scientist, small business owner, and CEO of the not-for-profit Coral Sea Foundation. He has raised four children on Magnetic Island and is a passionate advocate for sustainable management of our natural environment and building long-term economic and […]
Taking the temperature of the #ClimateElection for #AusVotes19: @takvera explainer
The upcoming federal ballot has been dubbed the ‘Climate Election’, so it’s time to put Australia’s long list of recent prime ministers — and the nation’s political parties (including some Independent candidates) — under the climate change magnifying glass to explore what’s really possible to achieve for climate policy at the poll. Australian PMs and […]
The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments
The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]
The #climate journey of Kermit the Growling Grass Frog from Craigieburn to #COP23 with @takvera
Part travelogue, part storytelling about the UN climate conference COP23 in Bonn, Germany, this article was originally published at Sustainable Fawkner blog by Nofibs reporter John Englart. Kermit, the Growling Grass Frog couldn’t resist the opportunity of hitching a ride in my bag to Bonn, Germany and COP23. What frog doesn’t want to see the […]
First Fossil award shines a ray on everyone taking #climateaction at #COP23 – @takvera
Bonn, Germany: The first Climate Action Network (CAN) Fossil of the Day award at the UN Climate Conference COP23 was a small Ray of the Day. There is a certain leader who is on everyone’s mind at this UN Climate Conference, so the first CAN Fossil of the Day award is actually an award for […]
March for #climatejustice in Bonn at #COP23 calls for #endcoal by @takvera
Latest report from Nofibs reporter John Englart in Bonn Germany for the UN Climate Change Conference: In the immediate vicinity of the latest UN climate change conference COP23 and the largest lignite mining area of Europe, twenty five thousand people demonstrated for the immediate implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in the city of Bonn, […]
Australia and coal at Bonn Climate conference #COP23 by @takvera
On an international level, the politics around climate action have moved substantially since 2015 and the signing of the Paris Agreement. I was at the UN climate change conference in Paris – COP21 – and it was a significant moment. But the politics in Australia is still heavily mired in the past, and the vested […]
Tripartisan #Auspol launch of #ClimateHealthStrategy in Canberra reports @takvera
In a rare note of tripartisan support, Liberal, Labor and Greens politicians were all present at the launch of the ground breaking National Strategy on Climate and Health and Well-being for Australia by the Climate and Health Alliance. The world’s first health and climate framework policy initiative has been in development for over a year […]