
Louise Stewart (@1LouiseStewart) is standing in, Julie Bishop's safe Liberal seat, Bishop is resigning from Parliament.
Staunch Catholic, Celia Hammond is contesting the seat for the Liberal Party and it's been reported the former Catholic University Professor once clashed with students over the gay rights rainbow flag.
The Australian reported, Hammond said the feminist movement had become “pro-abortion, anti-men, anti-tradition and anti-family”.
20.7% margin
Area: 98 sq km
Location: Inner Metropolitan Perth
Australian Electoral Commission seat profile
Division of Curtin on Wikipedia
Louise Stewart: website

The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments

The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]