“This place attracts and rewards narcissists, and many narcissists are sociopaths,” a ‘Coalition figure with a long history working in Parliament’ told ABC reporter Andrew Probyn last week. Hard truth last month on who and what our political parties pick for us when we follow the brand not the person. Brittany Higgins’ steel-eyed testimony saw […]
A brief look back at the #IndiWay from beginning to the close of chapter one.
Pivotal #IndiVotes moments in news, plus views and commentary from people who were there.

Cathy McGowan at Wangaratta on election night 2013. Photo: Wayne Jansson
Women are fleeing Liberal Party culture, now a new door is opening to enter our federal Parliament, by @margokingston1
‘Pissed off and passionate’ #IndependentsDay primer: @hula_grl extract from #GetElected
I wrote Get Elected both at the urging of my sister Cathy McGowan, the Member for Indi, as a way of capturing and sharing the Indi experiences, and also to improve the diversity of representation in Australian politics where the vast majority of politicians are ‘older, white men’. I hope that I can inspire diverse […]
Cathy McGowan reflects on community politics: @jansant #IndiVotes #podcast
Hi, I’m Wayne Jansson and this is a Margo Kingston’s No Fibs podcast. I came to No Fibs via Twitter during the 2013 election campaign when Margo put a call out for citizen journalists to cover seats where they live. I reported Cathy McGowan’s 2013 Indi campaign, in fact she was my first ever interview. […]
Shouting at the television and planting gardens: #ActiveDemocracy stories by @adropex
What do shouting at the television and gardening have in common? From little things big things have grown. Gather ’round people, let me tell you a story… or two. Whilst a television was not one of the perks of an Aboriginal stockman’s life in the Northern Territory in 1966, the story of Vincent Lingiari and […]
Chapter one of the #IndiWay ends with Cathy McGowan’s final #IndiVotes speech in Parliament: @indigocathy #auspol valedictory transcript
Margo Kingston’s suggested reading:How Indi got itself on the map: The blueprintChasing involved democracy in Indi: @Indigocathy v Sophie Mirabella MPReporting Indi: A reflection by Margo Kingston Cathy McGowan’s valedictory transcript Mr Speaker – I seek the indulgence of the house: Hello everyone and thank you for coming. Six years ago when I rose to […]
Crossbench shares common ground not votes: @indigocathy comments on #IndiVotes leadership and #IndependentsDay hopes for @HelenHaines1
For six years Indi has been an example of a different kind of political representation. ‘The Indi Way’ has become part of the vernacular and my communities continue to celebrate the many achievements of Independence. We have acted in parliament on many issues since those very first ‘Kitchen Table Conversations’ in Indi. In 2013 they […]
The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments
The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]
Burnt bridges: A reflection on the demise of Sophie Mirabella by @adropex
The result in the seat of Indi is final. Only in the last few weeks, as her 2016 campaign collapsed, has the topic of Sophie Mirabella not rekindled in me the upset and anxiety of the last decade. Rather the emotion was one of grudging compassion. With hindsight, the similarity in the unrelenting […]
Voters grill @IndigoCathy and @MartyCorboyNats #Indivotes Libs cry forum foul: @Jansant reports
The ABC Goulburn Murray (@ABCGM), The Border Mail (@bordermail) #Indivotes forum was held on Monday night at The Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre. The Only candidate not to attend was Rise Up Australia candidate, Vincent Ferrando. Jon Faine: “Wonderful to see democracy in action.” Not ruling out appearance of Mr Ferrando. #IndiVotes — David Johnston (@david_johnston5) […]