
Current Member Cathy McGowan (@indigocathy) won the safe Liberal seat by a mere 439 votes (0.5% margin) from, Sophie Mirabella in 2013. McGowan is supported by grassroots community group, Voices For Indi (@voicesforindi).
At the 2016 election, McGowan again beat, Mirabella increasing her margin by 4.4%.
McGowan is not re-contesting the seat and is supporting Voices for Indi backed independent candidate Helen Haines (@HelenHaines1).

4.9% margin vs LIB
Area: 29,187 sq km
Location: North East Victoria
Australian Electoral Commission seat profile
Division of Indi on Wikipedia
Crossbench shares common ground not votes: @indigocathy comments on #IndiVotes leadership and #IndependentsDay hopes for @HelenHaines1
Helen Haines: website
Cathy McGowan: website

PODCAST: Haines rejects Liberal “Protection Commission” on #transitzone

Integrity in government and a robust Federal Integrity Commission is supported by a clear majority of Australian citizens including in those Liberal-held seats where centre-right independent candidates are targeting the incumbents across Australia. However, the Morrison Government is deeply reluctant to legislate for such an independent, robust federal body. Independent Member for Indi in regional […]

Parliamentary Standards Bill can make politics safer for women says @helenhainesindi: @jansant reports #March4Justice

Independent Member for Indi Helen Haines (@helenhainesindi) discusses the Parliamentary Standards bill she introduced into the Parliament during 2020 and how it could help make Parliament a safer workplace for women. Commonwealth Parliamentary Standards Bill 2020 Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill 2020 Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020) *Apologies: during the interview with Helen […]

Women are fleeing Liberal Party culture, now a new door is opening to enter our federal Parliament, by @margokingston1

“This place attracts and rewards narcissists, and many narcissists are sociopaths,” a ‘Coalition figure with a long history working in Parliament’ told ABC reporter Andrew Probyn last week. Hard truth last month on who and what our political parties pick for us when we follow the brand not the person. Brittany Higgins’ steel-eyed testimony saw […]

Seven months that changed Australian politics: @drkerrynphelps #GettingElected speech at #indivotes @indigocathy’s #IndependentsDay conference

Also read: How the pop-up @DrKerrynPhelps campaign for Wentworth came together: a @margokingston1 dinner party debrief The role of people, preferences, policies, politics and power in Wentworth from October 2018- May 2019 AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1999-2003 The Wentworth by-election was not my first foray into the Federal political arena. In 2000 I was elected as […]

How the pop-up @DrKerrynPhelps campaign for Wentworth came together: a @margokingston1 dinner party debrief

Also: Reporting Indi: A reflection by Margo Kingston My interest in community independents began when I covered the successful Cathy McGowan race for Indi in 2013, on Twitter and through my website No Fibs. In 2018, I became Kerryn Phelps’ unofficial Twitter campaign manager for the Wentworth by-election and focused on independents at the 2019 election, […]

Fight the #ClimateEmergency and you might even win #ausvotes: @jansant comments on #ClimateElection

What if there was a climate emergency and the major party’s didn’t turn up? If you listen to many in mainstream media – what climate election? But they’re dead wrong. The Coalition and Labor Party failed to turn up – others didn’t and won victories or made strong inroads into the Coalition primary vote – […]

Election day 2019 in the orange seat of #IndiVotes in photos: @jansant reports

Helen Haines, optimistic about tomorrow: @margokingston1 #IndiVotes #podcast

Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) catches up with Independent candidate Helen Haines (@HelenHaines1) while on the road in the Victorian electorate of Indi for the final No Fibs #IndependentsDay podcast before the federal election. They discuss Helen’s recent panel appearance on ABC’s QandA, and how it appeared to spook the opposition. As Margo notes, a couple of […]

Captain GetUp saving #IndiVotes from itself: @Jansant comments on #AusVotes

Prime Minister Scott Morrison dropped into Wangaratta on Wednesday this week for a quick press conference but did not take any questions from media — nothing to see here. This follows Tuesday’s visit to the same Indi battleground by far-right climate change denial group Advance Australia’s Captain GetUp — and there was definitely something to […]

Nat senator sees ‘great hoax’ in #ClimateAction: @Jansant reports on @senbmckenzie #IndiVotes

At pre-poll in Wangaratta on Saturday, Senator Bridget McKenzie refused to provide the cost to our economy of not taking swift and decisive action against climate change. I asked McKenzie what the economic cost of not taking fast action against climate was:- Bridget McKenzie (BM): Our country set very ambitious emission targets.No Fibs (Me): But […]