Tears, Queensland Nickel and the ‘moral hazard’: Analysis – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Parliamentary records show how in 2014 the Abbott Government attempted to erode the remuneration component of the Fair Entitlements Guarantee. Queensland Coalition MP Ewan Jones teared up on Friday as he spoke of the hardship facing workers in his electorate of Herbert after the collapse of Clive Palmer’s Queensland Nickel refinery near Townsville. “This is a tough day,” he […]

‘We will fight for the worker’ – Michaelia Cash threatens double dissolution: @Qldaah #ausvotes #qldpol #auspol

Update – February 2, 2016 ABC Election Analyst Antony Green confirmed the Turnbull Government does have an election trigger on the issue of the ABCC but the request to the Governor-General would need to be made before May, 2016. . “The government has a valid trigger in the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014, but any request for a […]

Speech on the Shipping Legislation Amendment Bill (2015): @AlboMP transcript

INTRODUCTION This legislation is about replacing the Australian flag flying off the back of ships with the white flag on Australian jobs. This is unilateral economic disarmament. That’s why the Opposition will oppose it vigorously, fully confident that our position is completely in accord with the values of average Australians. For an island continent, it […]

Should Heydon stand down? A #turc legal view by @bowlerbarrister

There is often tension in the law as to whether a conservative or more robust approach should be taken in respect of an issue. Opinions may differ according to how an issue is viewed. It might be said that a controversy arising out of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption has produced […]

Public and Politicians gather in #Canberra to rally against #OurABC cuts: @jeevens reports

“No if’s. No buts. No ABC cuts,” chanted the crowd gathered outside Parliament House yesterday in response to the recently announced ABC and SBS funding cuts. It was the final rally in a series supporting the Our stories Our future Our ABC campaign, a joint initiative involving the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), the […]

Tony Abbott’s Royal Commission blunders: @madwixxy comments on #TURC

As we enter the final days of the public hearings of the Trade Union Royal Commission I find myself in the peculiar position of agreeing with John Howard. John Howard told Janet Albrechtsen in an interview of his unease with the way Tony Abbott and George Brandis used the Royal Commission process as a means to achieve […]

Stand up, citizen journalists: @burgewords comments on #FairfaxStrike

  A very simple tweet went out on the same afternoon Fairfax journalists agreed to strike in protest at the company’s plan to cut 80 jobs, mainly in production (layout and sub-editing) and photography. Since the current Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) hearing will continue through the strike, a citizen journalist (‘CJ’) asked whether any […]

A Labor man on Labor’s Father’s Day campaign launch

By Barry Rutherford  2 September, 2013 Beautiful Brisbane. Perfect this time of year. Why would you want to be anywhere else but Queensland?  I keep asking myself the same question everyday about Australian Politics.  Why do the polls indicate the people of Australia want a change of Government? We have low inflation, low unemployment, AAA […]

Trying for Pyne and Entsch accountability on @MRowlandMP baby leave

By Margo Kingston May 21, 2013 @margokingston1 I'm still waiting for the public reprimand of Pyne & Entsch for their lies to Australian public & inappropriate behaviour? — Noely ⚡️🏐 (@YaThinkN) May 20, 2013 I’ve got a bee in my bonnet about the Coalition’s May 16 response to the revelation of its decision to refuse Labor […]