A photo told the story. Scott Morrison went to the footie on Saturday March 27. His team lost, so he entered the winner’s dressing room to a raucous, ‘Skull one, Scotty’ welcome. The only woman present, scientist Tahleya Eggers, stood tall, arms folded, and death-stared his back. After the photo went viral, she tweeted the next […]
Parliamentary Standards Bill can make politics safer for women says @helenhainesindi: @jansant reports #March4Justice
Independent Member for Indi Helen Haines (@helenhainesindi) discusses the Parliamentary Standards bill she introduced into the Parliament during 2020 and how it could help make Parliament a safer workplace for women. Commonwealth Parliamentary Standards Bill 2020 Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill 2020 Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020) *Apologies: during the interview with Helen […]
#EnoughIsEnough, going to Canberra from Sydney for #March4Justice: @pedanticlamb comments
I will go to Canberra for this march on Monday organised by Women for Justice. My FB friend and esteemed author Robert Macklin today drew attention to this brilliant intro to an op-ed in the New York Times about Oprah’s sitdown with the Sussexes: ‘A recent interview you may have heard about revealed that the […]
Inside #Medevac team effort of community and Parliament: @drkerrynphelps in conversation with @margokingston1 #auspol
Kerryn: That was an extraordinary experience and Darrin and I worked hand-in-glove because I couldn’t have done without Darrin and his connections in the Labor Party. The Labor Party had been fiddle-farting around with its refugee policy for a really long time and they were completely paralysed, they weren’t game to step up and do […]
Dark clouds and silver linings, the ICAN #ClimateAction vision: @adropex reports #ActiveDemocracy
Distinctive campaign battle lines were defined long before Scott Morrison’s belated April 11 announcement that we would be going to the polls on May 18. For months the Coalition had insisted the election was going to be about the economy, security and putting locals first, “to keep our economy strong, to keep Australians safe and […]
We’re at war, Assange is on the front line: @CharliCaruso #AusVotes #podcast
This podcast has no interviews, it just comes straight from the heart. A heart that is a little bruised and battered from what feels like a persistent and blatant attack on our freedom and our rights. Fellow Australian Julian Assange was arrested yesterday by British officers and now faces a very real threat of extradition […]
#MarriageEquality in 2019: @burgewords says just you wait and see
After you’ve done all the lobbying, it seems what you have to do in Australia to achieve LGBTIQ equality, is wait. MARRIAGE Equality will be legislated in Australia no sooner than 2019. I know many will fly into a rage about that assertion, but let’s get real for a few moments: the current Coalition will never independently instigate […]
Refugee activists occupy Immigration offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne – @takvera
In a snap action refugee activists called a rally on short notice in Melbourne followed by a march and civil disobedient occupation of Commonwealth immigration offices. Online reporting by John Englart. [View the story “Refugee activists occupy Immigation offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne” on Storify]
Gallery: Melbourne Refugee Sanctuary rally calls out to #LetThemStay by @takvera
Thousands of people rallied as part of the refugee sanctuary movement in Melbourne on Monday. Our citizen journalist John Englart was there to capture on photo the rally and the many posters present. The rally was in response to the High Court ruling on sending refugee families back to Nauru detention. The Sanctuary movement grew […]
Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports
Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]