An #AusVotes first timer talks #YouthForFuture and #ActiveDemocracy: @adropex reports

Tom is 19 and a first-time federal election voter. After completing school in 2017 he worked for a year doing whatever came his way. He is now at university, studying media and communications in the politics stream, and working nights on weekends at a pub. He will vote in the inner metropolitan seat of Macnamara, […]

Conservation and tourism join forces to #VoteForTheReef: @Jackthelad1947 #AusVotes #TheReefReport

Around 150 businesses and tourism operators in Far North Queensland are joining Australia’s peak marine conservation group to call on all parties in the federal election to protect the Great Barrier Reef from the impacts of climate change. The group, which includes 20 reef tourism operators and businesses from hospitality and retail to law and […]

We’re now well beyond #ClimateEmergency: @Jackthelad1947 interviews @MorganPratchett for #TheReefReport

Professor Morgan Pratchett is a research fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, based at James Cook University, Townsville. He has broad interests in population and community ecology of coral reef organisms, especially corals and fishes. His current research focuses on major disturbances that impact coral reef ecosystems, with a view […]

Marine conservationist @DavidCazzulino taking #ClimateAction in Cairns: @Jackthelad1947 #TheReefReport audio interview

This week has been full of devastating news about the effects of climate on the Great Barrier Reef. I interviewed David Cazzulino from Australian Marine Conservation Society Cairns. David talks about the link to climate change and the damage it’s doing to coral. On The bright side he covers the Fight For The Reef campaign. […]

Dining over mining: Qld Land Court Rules against New Acland coal mine – @takvera

The Queensland Land Court has ruled against the New Hope application to expand its existing open-cut New Acland Coal mine (Stage 3) in Queensland’s Darling Downs which was proposed to operate for an additional 12 years to 2029. This is first time the Queensland Land Court in a contested case has outright rejected a coal […]

Adani’s Abbot Point #coal contamination of Caley Valley #wetlands reports @takvera

Adani’s coal export terminal at Abbot Point was in the direct path of Category 4 Cyclone Debbie. There was reason to expect a large storm surge, but this did not occurr, but the destructive winds and torrential rain caused Adani to release a large amount of contaminated water into the adjacent wetlands and ocean. On […]

Aurizon Brisbane HQ occupied by #stopAdani climate protestors reports @takvera

Rail freight company Aurizon Headquarters in Brisbane was occupied by Adani protestors today. Aurizon have put in a funding application to the Northern Australian Infrastructure Fund (NAIF) to build the coal freight railway line from the Galilee basin to the coast at Abbot Point. Yesterday in Canberra 13 community organisations launched a major campaign that […]

Coral bleaching: #GreatBarrierReef cooking in a marine heatwave while Turnbull dithers on climate – reports @takvera

Record sea surface temperatures in the coral sea are again threatening massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row. If sea surface temperatures don’t cool in the next few weeks, this will be the first time there has been back to back bleaching on this massive scale. “In […]

Photo Gallery: #ReefNotCoal rally in Melbourne – photos by @takvera

Environmental organisations including the Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Greenpeace and others organised a rally event in Melbourne to ‘shine a light on the reef’ after Monday’s Federal Court judicial review announcement found that Environment minister Greg Hunt’s approval of the Adani Carmichael coal mine followed the legal process. The Coal from the […]