Ashby v Slipper Appeal: the first round

By Joan Evatt Source: Boeufblogginon February 8th 2013 There were surprisingly few members of the general public present at today’s directions hearing before Emmett J in the matter of the Ashby v Slipper applications for leave to appeal to the Full Bench of the Federal Court. Is this issue dead in the water with the masses […]

WANTED: Mal Brough for Questioning

A long, day for Mal Brough, from ‘up yours’ fluff to, well…. The Courier Mail had a soft  story on Mal Brough where they forgot to do journalism and ask the hard questions. Margo Kingston‘s incredulous reaction to the Courier Mail fluff piece came via Twitter” Brough delighted to take @couriermail call, No hard #Ashby ? […]

Questions for Mr Pyne

PYNE #ASHBY TWISTER: Can anyone draft a @QandA question Pyne can't find a way not to answer? — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) February 2, 2013 Mr Pyne, do you condone the theft of diaries from MPs? If not what action should be taken against people who request & receive stolen goods? What is your attitude to stealing the […]

Did Mr Pyne stay or leave the room?

Mr Pyne doorstop Adelaide February 3, 2013 Today the Prime Minister has serious questions to answer about how she intends to govern for the next seven months with what is clearly an unravelling government. The Prime Minister needs to confirm whether by elections will be held in the normal course of events, say within two […]

EXCLUSIVE: Steve Lewis on why the Ashby judgement killed the story

By Margo Kingston February 3, 2013 Last night and this morning I had an interesting twitter conversation with my former press gallery colleague Steve Lewis @lewiss50, who broke the story of Ashby’s court action. Twitter conversations can be higgildy piggildy because others jump in and it’s hard to keep track of the order of remarks. […]

Pyne’s barking at Gillard, fawning for Brough

Transcript Hon Christopher Pyne MP Doorstop 2 February 2013 SUBJECTS: Labor Government resignations; South Australian State Leadership E&OE………………………….. Pyne: Well thank you all for coming out to Kmart Firle in my electorate for my first campaigning day since the Prime Minister announced the election date on September 14. Of course despite the Prime Minister’s assurances […]

Liberals Ashby wall of silence cracks….

First Labor – Liberal media debate on the Ashby Affair: Lateline transcript February 2, David Bradbury-v-Christopher Pyne Margo Kingston comments in red DAVID BRADBURY: … Can I make the point, there is one word I would like to remind Chris of and that’s Ashby and his involvement in the Ashby affair, but more particularly […]

Cinderella, Sunshine Coast Style

View as slideshow This is a story about the struggle to become one of the elite by doing their dirty deeds, collecting damaging information to hold power and getting rich along the way.  The moral of the story is : there are none, no morals that is. The lesson is: If you are not one, […]

Updated: Questions for Mr Abbott at the National Press Club

January 31 Press Club review: There are many reasons why the Canberra Press Gallery is failing to fulfil its democratic role. A collapse in media revenues, 24 hour filing, no time to stay with a story and investigate it, an atmosphere which sees journos run from one ephemeral topic to another in waves, an exodus […]

Citizen Journalists and Sunshine Coast Daily combine to corner Mal Brough

Here is the full record of Margo Kingston’s Open Letter to the Sunshine Coast Daily editor Darren Burnett, his response and the subsequent Kathy Sundstrom article asking Mal Brough the AFHP questions. In the interview Mal Brough claims that he is unable to comment in detail on the Ashby matter because as he says: “The matter is […]