If Senate won’t defeat #DataRetention bill terrorists and criminals will: @sortius comments

With the federal government’s metadata retention bill having passed the lower house, and all but assured to pass the senate, the technical implications are still sketchy at best. Costing an estimated $400 million a year (a figure that will no doubt be revised up substantially), the legislation isn’t a cheap exercise in flag waving like […]

For Fr Rod Bower (@FrBower) Christmas is the “G” word, the Universal More, whispering ‘#illridewithyou’.

I avoid using the ‘G’ word these days. This makes life a bit complicated for me because, well, I’m a priest and I’m expected to talk about God. The trouble is the second I do mention the ‘G’ word I’m in a no win situation. The difficulty is that the word comes with so much […]

The @Indigocathy campaign clean, #murdochmafia false smear declares war to regain Indi: @camklose comment

The constituents of Indi understand the Coalition’s tactics better than most. In the 2013 election, voting booths were postered, sometimes for 100s of metres in either direction, with negative, dramatic signs warning people not to vote Independent. It didn’t work. People grew tired of the negativity of the Mirabella campaign and voted overwhelmingly in support […]

There is an i in Team No Fibs: co-publisher @geeksrulz tells his #NoFibs story #MediaMargo

[ts_fab authorid=”2″ tabs=”bio,twitter,custom”] This is the second in a new No Fibs series edited by Margo under her collaborative thesis. The first piece was by Michael Burge … and the next one will be by Tim Dunlop. The Fifth Estate might be new kid on the block, but it already packs a mighty punch above its weight. Everyone […]

A collaborative thesis by @margokingston1: Stories of citizen journalism with Webdiary and @NoFibs #MediaMargo

IT’S official, folks. I have a scholarship to do a Doctorate in Creative Practice at Macquarie University on the topic: ‘Experiments in collaboration between professional and citizen journalists: from practice to theory’. The thesis comprises a book for publication and an exegesis. I’m told the first year of the PhD adventure entails reading and thinking […]

Murdoch-Zionist lobby power: @antloewenstein and @margokingston1 on 2003 Ashwari Peace Prize scandal #MikeCarlton

In the wake of Mike Carlton’s removal as a Sydney Morning Herald columnist, it’s worth recalling another instance of Zionist lobby power. Here’s the chapter by Antony Loewenstein in Not Happy, John! featuring an interview with Bob Carr. First, my scene-setting introduction to the story. I'm hearing there's considerable pressure at #Fairfax board level for action […]

The shadowy underbelly of Australia’s fair go: @FrBower comments on #racism

“I am not a racist! But…” We have all heard it and many of us have said it, but what does it mean? Australians are, for the most part, a pretty decent lot. We love the larrikin, the underdog and the idea of a fair go. However, just as there is always another side to […]

A Murdoch-free household is a galaxy too far: @burgewords #CreatingWaves on #NewsCorp

  NEWS sites are getting harder to access for free of late. Paywalls are up and apparently profitable for News Corp and Fairfax. Crikey had one for years and recently Wendy Harmer’s flagship site The Hoopla shut the gate on free reads with its 34 cent per day subscription. Media-hungry online consumers are faced with a choice about […]

Sheilas’ @sarah_capper: Feminist #Frightbats Unite!

[clear] [clear]We’re proud supporters of ‘Feminist Frightbats’ at Sheilas, having published more than a few of the contributors listed in Tim Blair’s “hysterical” blog post on News Limited’s Daily Telegraph website a couple of days ago. Under the post titled ‘Crown Our Crazy Queen’, Blair launched a predictable ideologically driven sexist spray against what he labeled “this […]

Citizen journo @Wendy_Bacon on Joe’s ‘Widen the Gap’ budget

[clear]Last night I headed over to FBi, a successful not for profit radio station in inner Sydney to meet up with the Budget_Aus team to listen to Treasurer Joe Hockey deliver his first budget speech. We were hosted by Heidi Pett and the rest of the FBi Backchat team who were working on their show about […]