AS I CONSIDER how to contribute at the next federal election, I thought I’d republish, with permission, a chapter I wrote for the Fremantle Press anthology Women of a Certain Rage, in January 2020 after the failed 2019 ‘Climate Election’, amid the worst bushfires Australia had ever seen, before COVID changed everything. #AustraliaBurns: Rage, A Climate […]
Igniting an independent backburn: Margo Kingston finds hope in the grassroots for #AusVotes
Steggall says ‘no alternative’: indies must stand up for sensible centre
Women are at the forefront of the ‘Voices for’ movement in safe Liberal seats because the Liberal Party’s pre-selection process is “absolutely patriarchal in nature” according to the independent MP for Warringah, Zali Steggall. A closed-door preselection policy designed to maintain the status quo to keep women out, is how Steggall described the process in […]
Transcript of #TransitZone podcast interview with Zali Steggall on THURSDAY, 2 September 2021 lightly edited for clarity.
PETER CLARKE: As we record another #transitzone podcast our two most populous states, New South Wales and Victoria, are still in lockdown, with rapidly rising locally acquired COVID Delta cases. Victorian new cases today are up sharply, and, in New South Wales, still well over 1000 cases each day. The intensely infectious Delta variant has pitched us, and […]
Turnbull reads Scotty’s COVID report card: Peter Clarke’s view from ‘the bunker’
WHEN we first locked down in Melbourne in mid-March, 2020, I had just finished building a small, state-of-the-art, sound-recording studio in a bungalow in our backyard. The final foam squares and carpet were put in place just before we hunkered down. The project started between the 2019-20 bushfires and the rapid arrival in our lives […]
Just a complete train wreck: Transcript of Part 2 of the #transitzone interview with Malcom Turnbull
Peter Clarke: Let’s get back to the elephant in the room. Mr Turnbull, recently you said you can’t think of “a bigger black and white failure of public administration” than the Morrison government’s failures in procuring covid vaccines and their design and execution of the vaccination rollout. Now, as you well know, we in Australia […]
Turnbull takes to liberalism’s lifeboat as LNP ‘broad church’ blows up: Margo Kingston reports on #IndependentsDay
MALCOLM Turnbull would consider voting for a strong moderate liberal independent in the Sydney federal electorate of Wentworth, and has named NSW seats he believes could be vulnerable if ‘voices for’ groups nominate outstanding moderate liberal independents – Wentworth, Mackellar, North Sydney, Bradfield and Hume. In an interview for the #transitzone podcast, the former prime minister […]
Morrison wedges himself: @margokingston1 on why there’s a chance for transformative political change after the #march4justice called his bluff
A photo told the story. Scott Morrison went to the footie on Saturday March 27. His team lost, so he entered the winner’s dressing room to a raucous, ‘Skull one, Scotty’ welcome. The only woman present, scientist Tahleya Eggers, stood tall, arms folded, and death-stared his back. After the photo went viral, she tweeted the next […]
Dark clouds and silver linings, the ICAN #ClimateAction vision: @adropex reports #ActiveDemocracy
Distinctive campaign battle lines were defined long before Scott Morrison’s belated April 11 announcement that we would be going to the polls on May 18. For months the Coalition had insisted the election was going to be about the economy, security and putting locals first, “to keep our economy strong, to keep Australians safe and […]
The #auspol preference trap at #WentworthVotes: @margokingston1 comments
Here’s my attempt to explain the preferencing imbroglio in Wentworth and how to vote strategically to defeat the Lib. Preferences are causing trouble in Wentworth, and if we’re not careful the left will elect the Liberal – a terrible blow for climate change, Nauru refugees, gay rights and lots more. Here’s how they work. Say […]