As former federal member for New England Tony Windsor well put it recently, celebrity journalists dislike Twitter because they can’t control the narrative. The Queensland Pfizer and vaccine hesitancy conspiracy theory One such example is the perpetual story that Queenslanders and Western Australians are laggers in the covid-19 vaccination rollout and that they have now […]
Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young Granted Extraordinary Powers – @Qldaah #qldpol
Misunderstood by many media commentators & some politicians is the declaration of a public health emergency such as for covid-19. In Queensland this grants extraordinary powers to the Chief Health Officer (CHO), Dr Jeannette Young. “During a public health emergency, the Chief Health Officer can issue Public Health Directions to assist in containing, or to […]
We’re at war, Assange is on the front line: @CharliCaruso #AusVotes #podcast
This podcast has no interviews, it just comes straight from the heart. A heart that is a little bruised and battered from what feels like a persistent and blatant attack on our freedom and our rights. Fellow Australian Julian Assange was arrested yesterday by British officers and now faces a very real threat of extradition […]
PNG Police arrest award winning journalist @BehrouzBoochani as #Manus brutality breaks #auspol: @Jansant reports
PNG police have arrested award winning journalist and Manus detainee, @BehrouzBoochani. Behrouz’s last tweet before being arrested: Peter Dutton stop propaganda against created this situation and you are responsible. You are lying to people that you built new accommodation. Those places are real prison, stop using ppl for your political benefits. — Behrouz Boochani […]
Chris Uhlmann fails to declare Phil de Fegely as auctioneer – @Qldaah #Mediawatch #auspol
An auctioneer interviewed on an ABC negative gearing news story was presented as an housing investor.
How @margokingston1 saw Hansonism in 2004
Intro: Extract of Still Not Happy, John: Defending our Democracy (Penguin 2007) Democracy v. the Beast Her appeal was simply that she represented something authentic in a culture of artefact. She was transparent in an era during which the political class have become expert at concealment. She was a still point in a culture […]