By Margo Kingston February 9, 2013 Michelle Grattan. I’ve loved her and hated her over the years. One invariably has a complicated relationship with a great person. Soon after the 1993 election, under pressure from then editor of The Age Alan Kohler to step back from day-to-day journalism, she left her spiritual home to become the […]
Email & SMS correspondence between Peter Clarke and Michael Millett
Peter Clarke 6 Feb (8 days ago) to Mike Millett Good morning, Michael, I am sure you are aware there is considerable controversy swirling around the Faine findings. At one level, detailed analysis of those findings in company with the actual broadcast interviews set against the relevant sections of the public Editorial Guidelines and the […]
Words to flail and words to nail
By Peter Clarke February 7, 2013 Even the toughest journalist, with the most scar tissue, flinches at any accusation of bias. Or unfairness. Or lack of impartiality and balance in their reporting and analysis. It is a matter of personal pride and professional integrity. These words and the meanings they bear lie at the heart of […]
Confessions of a News Junkie or Bye, Bye, Outdated Media, I’ve got a New Dealer
By Space Kidette Source: Satellite News Network February 3rd, 2013 Space Kidette Note: To put this post into context, you may want to read About page. How did I go from being Outdated Media’s biggest fanboi to a consumer openly advocating against a media’s vile product? News vs. Opinion The first and biggest problem for me was […]
ABC double standards for political interviews and a sudden collapse in transparency
by Margo Kingston February 5th, 2013 An ABC deep throat has provided AFHP with the following statement: In December 2011 the ABC was found by the ACMA to have breached the impartiality codes of the ABC Code of Practice. The broadcast session involved was an interview with former SA Deputy Premier, Kevin Foley (Labor), on the breakfast […]
Who is wearing the Kafka mask at the ABC?
Publishers’ Note: The citizens journalism project Australians for Honest Politics is proud to announce that thanks to member donations we have commissioned Peter Clarke (@MediaActive), an elder of Australian journalism, to oversee reporting of the Jon Faine story. As a pioneer ABC radio interviewer, he is well placed to take us behind the story and […]
Open letter to Mark Scott about Jon Faine from Margo Kingston
February 4, 2013 Mr Mark Scott, Managing Director ABC Dear Mark, Re: ABC apology to anonymous complainant and reprimand to Jon Faine over his interview with former shock-jock Michael Smith I write to seek information on this matter and express my concerns at its process. I first learned of it through a strongly worded protest by […]
I can see clearly now: PM
By Margo Kingston February 2, 2013 The Prime Minister has made a bold, perhaps revolutionary decision that has already flummoxed the MSM and will be fascinating to watch play out this election year. She’s detached herself from the 24 hour news cycle. That’s why she looks grounded. Settled. Real. Her stridency has gone. She can […]
“Faining Outrage” from ABC Management
Audio of the 2 Jon Faine interviews in question: Jon Faine Interview with Mike Smith and Mark Baker 23 November 2013 Update: ABC Mediawatch had a segment on the Jon Faine Story. You can find it here. Since our ABC story went live on Tuesday, a new case of how ABC Management responds to […]
What’s happened to our ABC? The Juliar ‘typo’ and cases like Bolt where ABC does say sorry…
[View the story “What’s happened to our ABC? The Juliar “typo”” on Storify]