Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.
Julie Bishop promotes jewellery for Liberal Party donor: @Qldaah #auspol #qldpol
The jeweller, the retailer and the foreign minister. How a blue opal necklace linked Julie Bishop to Liberal Party donors and sparked the war over the abolition of Sunday penalty rates. Foreign minister Julie Bishop has modelled an opal collier for one of the Liberal Party’s donors at the launch of the taxpayer funded program, “G’Day USA”. The […]
From #Watergate to #Ashbygate: A review of “Ashbygate” the book, by Joan Evatt @Boeufblogginon
A few weeks ago Ross Jones and Dave Donovan, of Independent Australia, sent me messages asking me to review Ross’s book on the Ashbygate saga. Despite being as crook as Rookwood I was more than happy to agree, and in due course a copy appeared in my letterbox. I was in the middle of reading […]
The collected rage of Chris Kenny post-Abyan interview – @Qldaah #auspol
Analysis The Australian’s associate editor and former chief of staff to Malcolm Turnbull, Chris Kenny was the first and only journalist to be granted a visa to visit and report on the Australian asylum seeker detention centres located on the island nation of Nauru. Neither the paper or Kenny would confirm if the $8,000 application fee was paid. A […]
Press Gallery’s ‘Cult of Malcolm’ makes Apple fanbois look like amateurs: @YaThinkN calls BS
If I have to see one more Press Gallery piece along the lines of ‘poor PM Turnbull besmirched by grubby Labor just because he is rich’ I swear I will scream. The phrases “Politics of envy” and “Class Warfare” have been so over-used in recent days and for the life of me I can’t […]