This article is dedicated to ordinary Syrians, whose capacity for hospitality is legendary, including those who went right out of their way for an injured Australian as he lay in pain on the cobblestones of ancient Damascus, and who are now experiencing such desperately hard times. I haven’t forgotten you. Somewhat unexpectedly, I visited Syria […]
Scare tactics and @TonyAbbottMHR’s war on #qanda over @ZakyMallah’s truth bomb: @jansant comments
When the politicisation of “national security” morphs into a vicious attack on the independence of our Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it’s another sign Australia is racing down the road towards a fascist state. This confected outrage about #qanda reveals the depth of the totalitarian impulse in this government. It frightens me. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) […]
Get your house in order – The media trial of Billy Gordon: #qldpol #MediaWatch @Qldaah
Live blog of events surrounding the Gordon case. Table of contents Introduction. Get your house in order. Domestic violence is not a political tool – Ross Bowler. Cairns Now and Gavin King. The updates section (January 21, 2016) – Extortion complaint against Christine Gibson dropped. (December 23, 2015) – Billy Gordon vows comeback. (December 09, 2015) – Matter […]
A citizen journalist on finding her voice…@JanB_QLD reflects PART 2 ABC 612
In a sense, the ABC Community Correspondent experience started for me as a result of the No Fibs election project in 2013. Over the course of the Griffith by-election campaign in early 2014, I became a shameless self-promoter, and when attending launches and other campaign events I would send out live tweets. After participating in, […]
The Newman Abbott factor – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
ReachTel – TPP Labor 51pc. The Newman Abbott factor. Cash for probity. Cash for gravel – update. Final 730 Qld airs. Springborg looking forward to coronial inquest into teenagers’ deaths. North Stradbroke Island miner Sibelco to close Yarraman quarry. Electricity sell-off, the Victorian experience. Tweet of the week – Journos being flown to remote places. […]
Public and Politicians gather in #Canberra to rally against #OurABC cuts: @jeevens reports
“No if’s. No buts. No ABC cuts,” chanted the crowd gathered outside Parliament House yesterday in response to the recently announced ABC and SBS funding cuts. It was the final rally in a series supporting the Our stories Our future Our ABC campaign, a joint initiative involving the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), the […]
Anger in #Melbourne at @TurnbullMalcolm’s #OurABC cuts: @Jansant reports
Federation Square Sunday, 2000 to 4000 people turn up to protest against the Abbott Government #OurABC cuts. People of all ages and backgrounds stood in the Melbourne sunshine to send a clear message to the Federal Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm): No ifs, no buts, no ABC cuts. Pre-rally, the crowd was entertained by […]
Perth supporters stand up against #OurABC funding cuts: Rick Hoyle – Mills @RickHM reports
[View the story “Perth Supporters Stand Up Against #OurABC Funding Cuts” on Storify]