By Margo Kingston Source: New Matilda December 11, 2012 I blame the ABC for my initiation to Twitter. Or rather, I thank them, because the experience has been refreshing for this disillusioned ex-journo and long-time internet refugee. I happened to be watching ABC News 24 when Tony Abbott again confronted Julia Gillard about her role in the AWU affair on the […]
The Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard labels Mr Abbott a misogynist.
The Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard made the most important speech of 2012. The speech has now been seen and praised all over the world by men and women alike. It was included in the Google Zeitgeist video and received 2,193,819 views just on this ABC video alone. No other video the ABC has ever […]
The media now operates with all the subtlety of a Pugilist.
Subtlety lost By Craig Emerson Date: 24 December 2012 Source: Craig Emerson At Sydney University in the early 1970s a course simply called “Government” was offered to economics, arts and law students. It was a time of social upheaval and the election of the Whitlam Government had ended 23 years of conservative rule. The Murdoch press had […]
Timeline for #AshbyConspiracy & Questions for an #AshbyInquiry
[View the story “Timeline for #AshbyConspiracy & Questions for #AshbyInquiry” on Storify] A Federal Court Judge has found a conspiracy by James Ashby, Karen Doane, Mal Brough to advance their own interest and that of the LNP. Mr Abbott maintains that he had no specific knowledge. Here is a timeline & questions. This timeline will […]
Overlooking Australia’s Watergate
By Victoria Rollinson December 15, 2012 Source: The Watergate scandal was, apparently, rather big news at the time. People went to prison, the President of the USA was forced to resign and investigative reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein became household names. Nixon’s Republican party came undone through a conspiracy to find dirt on their rivals […]
From Watergate to Ashbygate – Front Pages on Slipper Scandal.
Quote of the Year 2012 is a tie between Ms Alberici and Mr Abbott: Emma Alberici: “Virtually every commentator in the land is echoing the thoughts of the Opposition on this one. “ Mr Abbott on #AshbyConspiracy: This is a tawdry state of affairs, to say the least. This shows our esteemed mainstream media at work. […]
A question of character?
by Margo Kingston Source: Independent 30th November, 2012 My mouth fell open when I heard Abbott’s final flourish in Thursday’s speech denouncing Gillard as unfit for office. I remembered, suddenly, vividly, Tony Abbott’s very own slush fund. Could he too have forgotten? It’s ancient history now, Abbott’s slush fund ― but less ancient than the slush […]