[View the story “#NoRoomForRacism Rally Meets #Reclaim Australia Rally in #Perth” on Storify]
Supporters of the Anti Racist Movement face off against Reclaim Australia supporters in Perth: Rick Hoyle – Mills reports
Scare tactics and @TonyAbbottMHR’s war on #qanda over @ZakyMallah’s truth bomb: @jansant comments
When the politicisation of “national security” morphs into a vicious attack on the independence of our Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it’s another sign Australia is racing down the road towards a fascist state. This confected outrage about #qanda reveals the depth of the totalitarian impulse in this government. It frightens me. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) […]
By hook or by crook – The #CashForTurnbacks scandal: @Qldaah #auspol
Live blog of the media reports on the “cash for turnbacks” crisis. Check back regularly for updates. (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (February 5, 2016) – Senate inquiry, Canberra. (December 2, 2015) – Court proceedings, Indonesia. (November 8, 2015) – Government operates within the law. (November 5, 2015) – People smugglers go on trial. (October 30, […]
A Myall in my shoes: @burgewords reports on the #FrontierWars
Now, the dead are ready to have us remember them. IT has taken me a lifetime to get back to Myall Creek, a typical watercourse that traverses a remote country road like thousands of others in NSW’s New England district. Here, between the towns of Delungra and Bingara, a corrugated iron hall by a long-disused […]
John #MalcolmFraser AC 22nd Prime Minister of #auspol: @Jansant tribute
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser (@MalcolmFraser12) has left the building, and it feels empty without him. The man who had once torn Australia apart, became a voice of reason, decency and compassion in a sea of gutter level race fuelled political strategy. A child of the squattocracy, that in the end, was the reasoned and […]
When has the suspension of the rule of law ever been a win for humanity? asks Fr Rod Bower @FrBower
A version of this piece first appeared on Anglican Parish of Gosford Facebook page. There is a great evil being perpetrated in the name of the Australian people and up until this point in time, with the compliance of the majority. That popular amenability must now quickly become a minority if Australia is not to […]
Former Prime Minister @MalcolmFraser12 call for new #auspol party of values and decency. @Jansant reports
Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has called on young people to organise and create a new political party based on values and decency. He made the call during an Asylum Seeker Resource Centre event at Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday night during a question and answer session. Earlier in a speech (below), Mr Fraser […]
Wilkie asks International Criminal Court to probe members of Cabinet over #Refugees: @Jansant reports
The independent Member for Denison, Andrew Wilkie MP and human rights advocate and lawyer Greg Barns, have made a formal request to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, asking for an investigation into members of the Abbott Government for crimes against humanity. The request claims members of the Australian Government have contravened article […]