If I have to see one more Press Gallery piece along the lines of ‘poor PM Turnbull besmirched by grubby Labor just because he is rich’ I swear I will scream. The phrases “Politics of envy” and “Class Warfare” have been so over-used in recent days and for the life of me I can’t […]
Press Gallery’s ‘Cult of Malcolm’ makes Apple fanbois look like amateurs: @YaThinkN calls BS
October 18, 2015
Selling the Budget, @YaThinkN is here to help #Auspol
June 9, 2014
Normally when the Federal Budget comes out we punters get rather amused at the excitement we see in the media. We giggle at seeing Kochie from Sunrise get his jollies about being in lock up, but unless there is some blatantly nasty stuff in the budget that will hit our hip pockets, we really don’t […]