Dr Andy Lewis has lived in North Queensland for the past 32 years while working as a marine scientist, small business owner, and CEO of the not-for-profit Coral Sea Foundation. He has raised four children on Magnetic Island and is a passionate advocate for sustainable management of our natural environment and building long-term economic and […]
Dr Andy Lewis calls for #ClimateAction leaders with vision: @margokingston1 #QldVotes #podcast
Part 6 of the Queensland election blog for 2017 – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017. Check back for updates.
AEMO has not modelled a 50 percent renewable energy target for Qld #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
The Courier Mail claims of Queensland power station closures and blackouts under question.
Part 5 of the Queensland election blog for 2017 – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017. Check back for updates.
Part 4 of the Queensland election blog for 2017 – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017. Check back for updates.
Part 3 of the Queensland election blog for 2017 – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017. Check back for updates.
Malcolm Roberts seeks political donations – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
A blog to explore the solicitation of political donations by Malcolm Roberts in relation to Queensland’s electoral laws. Check back for updates.
Archive of The Courier Mail’s front pages during election 2017 #qldvotes – @Qldaah
A blog recording the The Courier Mail and The Sunday Mail front pages and how they feature in the campaign. Check back for updates.
Part 2 of the Queensland election blog for 2017 – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017.
Pt 1 of Qld election blog for 2017 – Election chatter #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah
Ongoing coverage of the Queensland election campaign for 2017.