When federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce cheated on his wife Natalie, many of his supporters maintained that it was a personal matter and not newsworthy. If the only issue with Barnaby was that he had an extramarital affair, I would agree — people make mistakes — but the enduring anger isn’t simply about […]
A collection of recent popular and interesting #IndependentsDay stories.
Strategic voting for blue, red and green progressives in safe Coalition seats: @margokingston1 #IndependentsDay #AusVotes guide
Now that pre-polling stations have opened nationwide, voting in the 2019 federal election has begun, so here’s my strategic voting guide in our #IndependentsDay seats. As many No Fibs readers know by now, I waged a relentless strategic voting education campaign at the Wentworth by-election after Kerryn Phelps upset progressive voters by preferencing the Liberal […]
Fiery #FarrerVotes pastoralist blasts @sussanley, backs indie @Mack4Farrer: @jansant reports on #Watergate
Influential pastoralist Rob McBride (@TolarnoStation) whose video drew attention to the Menindee fish kill has thrown his support behind Independent candidate Kevin Mack (@Mack4Farrer) in Sussan Ley’s (@sussanley) NSW rural seat of Farrer. McBride has made a series of passionate calls for voters to elect Independents who support a Royal Commission into the Murray-Darling Basin […]
Margo Kingston wants to clean up democracy: @CharliCaruso #AusVotes #podcast
Charlie Caruso turns the tables on Margo Kingston and explores how No Fibs started, the power and role Twitter plays in the modern Australian political landscape and the role citizen journalists have played in the elevation of profiles and the conversations around climate change.
Clear waters a must for farming’s future: @tallawang reports on #NewEnglandVotes #Watergate
The most crucial element of a productive landscape is water: rainwater, surface water and ground water. Water has managed to get a lot of column inches over the past few months, with dried up rivers, fish kills, Royal Commissions, mud throwing and buck passing. All good for newspaper sales, but do they assist in the […]
#AusVotes Day 12 – #Watergate case dismissed by PM: @qldaah #qldpol
April 22, 2019 – Table of contents Bob Brown singles out The Courier Mail for disgraceful coverage Sussan Ley faces a determined challenge from Kevin Mack in Farrer Watergate case dismissed by PM Conspiracy theories in the deep north Mayo check-in . Bob Brown singles out The Courier Mail for disgraceful coverage As Bob Brown’s […]
#AusVotes Day 11 – Malcolm Turnbull enters the fray: @qldaah #qldpol
April 21, 2019 – Table of contents Malcolm Turnbull enters the fray Australian Watergate Update . Malcolm Turnbull enters the fray Malcolm Turnbull has entered the campaign to defend the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) from becoming attributed solely to him. Mr Turnbull posted a series of seven Tweets explaining what the NEG was and what […]
#FarrerVotes farmers outraged over water ‘piracy’: @jansant reports on #Watergate
Farmers are “angry” over allegations aired on The Project that record prices were paid by former Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce under the buy-back scheme to a company founded by current Energy Minister Angus Taylor. No Fibs spoke with Independent candidate for the NSW rural electorate of Farrer, Kevin Mack (@Mack4Farrer), who […]
#AusVotes Day 10 – Australian #Watergate: @qldaah #qldpol
April 20, 2019 – Table of contents Penalty rates to be restored under a Labor government Farmers outraged over water ‘piracy’ Head to head: Jonathan Lea and Bill Shorten on cost of climate change policy Feds failing to act on river reports Australian Watergate .Penalty rates to be restored under a Labor government Penalty rates […]
Misogyny changing minds in #NewEnglandVotes: @NewEnglandLady4 comments on #AusVotes19 #WomenVote
During a speech to mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2019, Scott Morrison suggested that womens’ advancement should not come at the expense of men. For the Prime Minister to be openly saying this points to significant obstacles for womens’ voices being heard in this country, not only in parliament but at the ballot box. Australian […]