There is often tension in the law as to whether a conservative or more robust approach should be taken in respect of an issue. Opinions may differ according to how an issue is viewed. It might be said that a controversy arising out of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption has produced […]
Tony Abbott’s Royal Commission blunders: @madwixxy comments on #TURC
As we enter the final days of the public hearings of the Trade Union Royal Commission I find myself in the peculiar position of agreeing with John Howard. John Howard told Janet Albrechtsen in an interview of his unease with the way Tony Abbott and George Brandis used the Royal Commission process as a means to achieve […]
#TURC: Someone should tell KATHY JACKSON ‘less is more’: @Boeufblogginon reports
[View the story “TURC: Someone should tell KATHY JACKSON ‘less is more’.” on Storify]
#TURC, Kathy Jackson and her day in court: @Boeufblogginon reports
[View the story “TURC. KATHY JACKSON, her day in court. ” on Storify]
HSU members of the Jackson faction were in the Royal Commission’s spotlight today: @Boeufblogginon reports
[View the story “TURC and it’s the turn of the HSU. Mon 16th June ” on Storify]
Bruce Wilson testimony and Nowicki allegations at #TURC: @Boeufblogginon reports
Thursday’s Royal Commission into Trade Union … hearing (12th June) ended as it began with legal argument over the exclusion of a number of paragraphs contained in Bruce Wilson’s sworn statement. The paragraphs concerned dealt primarily with Wilson’s allegation that he was offered $200,000 by Harry Nowicki to alter his testimony thereby implicating Julia Gillard […]
Storify by @Boeufblogginon reporting on the Royal Commission into Unions on the 11th June #TURC
[View the story “TURC by @boeufblogginon” on Storify]
Open letter to Mark Scott about Jon Faine from Margo Kingston
February 4, 2013 Mr Mark Scott, Managing Director ABC Dear Mark, Re: ABC apology to anonymous complainant and reprimand to Jon Faine over his interview with former shock-jock Michael Smith I write to seek information on this matter and express my concerns at its process. I first learned of it through a strongly worded protest by […]
“Faining Outrage” from ABC Management
Audio of the 2 Jon Faine interviews in question: Jon Faine Interview with Mike Smith and Mark Baker 23 November 2013 Update: ABC Mediawatch had a segment on the Jon Faine Story. You can find it here. Since our ABC story went live on Tuesday, a new case of how ABC Management responds to […]