I’m running as the Independent for Mallee because I’m frustrated that our communities are being neglected, and I’m angry that while our leaders play games in Canberra the people of Mallee are missing out. As the truly Independent voice, as a leader with a proven track record of vision, innovation and advocacy, having led groundbreaking […]
Victoria pioneering climate #justtransition package for #Hazelwood coal workers reports @takvera
A special $20 million worker transfer package was announced today for workers affected by the closure of Engie’s Hazelwood Power Station. This will allow early retirement for workers at other LaTrobe Power stations creating places for Hazelwood workers that want to continue their careers in power generation. This transfer package is an important component of […]
#Solar Feed-in minimum tariff to double for Victorian Solar citizens reports @takvera
The minimum Feed-in tariff for solar PV owners in Victoria will more than double due to changes the Dan Andrews Labor Government has made to the regulation of pricing for solar PV owners. Current minimum feed-in rate is 5 cents per kilowatt hour. Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has determined the new […]
Victorian Liberals declare war on #renewable targets, jobs, investment reports @takvera
The Liberal party in three states – Victoria, South Australia and Queensland – vowed to drop state based renewable energy targets if elected. This follows Federal Liberal Party war on renewables and climate policy conducted since Abbott took power in 2013, continued under Prime Minister Turnbull. While climate action at the Federal level has followed […]
#Solar to power Melbourne trams as Australia’s GHG emissions rise reports @takvera
Lily D’Ambrosio, the Victorian Energy and Environment Minister, stepped forward today to announce that Melbourne’s tram network will be powered by 100 per cent Solar. Not directly of course. But the government will issue a tender for a new 75MW capacity large scale solar farm to supply the equivalent power needed for the tram network […]
What impact #sealevelrise on Melbourne’s privatised port facilities? asks @takvera
The Andrews Victorian state government has been successful with the sale of the Port of Melbourne for $9.7 billion, an election promise. The government had been expecting around $7 billion for the asset. Technically, its not a sale, but a 50 year lease of the port’s commercial operations. The long term lease of Australia’s largest […]
Some snowy vox pops before the final #Indivotes week of #ausvotes heat: @Jansant reports
Vox pop questions Have you taken an interest in the election campaign? What is the most important election issue to you? Will the CFA dispute impact how you vote? Are you satisfied with how Cathy McGowan has represented Indi? Tolmie Wade Jackson Not really. Look at re-doing roads. Yes, the CFA saves all the towns […]