The Abbott Truss Government has broken a plethora of election promises in #Budget2014, resulting in picking a fight with a whole cross section of the community.
The people are angry and they are marching, again. #MarchInMay is people power demanding a #FairGoJoe and protesting against government decisions that are against the national interest and well-being of our nation.
Abbott himself said: “I think there will be a people’s revolt against this tax”. He has now introduced three of them: GP Tax, Debt Tax and Fuel Excise Tax.
Maintain the rage. Bust the Budget.
WHERE: Russell Square Park, Cnr Shenton & James Street, Northbridge WA, Perth
WHEN: Sunday 18 May, 12pm
No Fibs Citizen Journalists will be reporting live from around Australia using the hashtag #FairGoJoe
Perth: Guinevere Hall @GuinevereHall and Vanessa Jokovich @VeeJay127
Sydney: Jessica Craig-Piper @JesCraigPiper
Adelaide: Carolyn Pickering @CLPickering
Brisbane: Anne Carlin @sacarlin48 and Andrew Robinson @araba210
Melbourne: David Power @InternatAlchemy and Wayne Jansson @jansant
Hobart: Rasa Dunlop @innernectar
#MarchInMay No Fibs Posts
Melbourne #BustTheBudget rally in pictures, by @Jansant
Looking across the border, the #qldpol weekly wrap: @Qldaah
Sex offences almost double over the last year in Brisbane’s inner-western suburbs. Cash for LNP access. Funding cut: Campbell Newman’s Mother’s Day gift to dying women from breast cancer. Assistant Health Minister Dr Chris Davis sacked. Newman Govt ignored environmental concerns for Galilee Basin coal mine. Kids and coal: We are in the coal business. […]
The conservatives are back in charge, @DrCraigEmerson comments on brutal #budget2014
If ever there were any doubts about the difference in values between conservative and progressive Australian governments they were laid to rest by the Abbott Government’s first Budget. It was the pernicious embodiment of conservative philosophy: treat the poor and vulnerable as malingerers while going easy on wealthy backers; and, in order to maintain […]
People power set to collide with #FairGoJoe over #Budget2014 @jansant reports
During #MarchInMarch homeless man Bobby with his trusty mate Buster the dog approached me and asked if I wanted a story. He told me they’ve been living on the streets of Melbourne for 10 years waiting for public housing. Bobby invited Prime Minister Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) to sleep rough with him for one night […]
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