Jack Sumner

Jack Sumner

Jack Sumner

Personal information
Born 1941 Heywood, Lancashire, England
Married 1968 to Susan Margaret 2 Sons

Education & Academic qualifications
1945-51 All Souls Primary School. Heywood
1951-58 Heywood Grammar School GCE at Ordinary & Advanced level
1958-62 Sheffield University B.Sc. (Hons) Geography & Teaching Certificate

1962-65 Production management positions with Pilkington’s Tiles, manufacturer
of ceramics.
1965-90 Technical & General Management positions with Coates Bros
manufacturer of surface coatings. Working in UK, India and from 1983 as CEO in
1990-91 Senior Consultant Philip Crosby & Associates, then the world’s largest
quality management consultancy company.
1991-98 Self employed management consultant specialising in quality
management & accreditation.
2002-2006 Executive Officer Mick Young Scholarship Trust working pro bono and
alone in managing the administration, fund raising and distribution of
scholarships to TAFEs and Universities.

Politics, reading, sport, and Twitter.