Mal Brough style politics is back

The saying is ” It’s always the cover-up that gets them, not the crime.” Well we don’t know if there was a cover-up in the #menugate, which is why we need answers to the questions below.

Many questions still remain unanswered about the Mal Brough fundraising event attended by Mr Hockey:

1. Was Mr Abbott at the fundraiser? He was in Brisbane on the 28th of March 2013 campaigning with Mr Hockey and Mr Glasson

2. Was a menu used? Any menu. A simple yes or no would suffice. If yes, where is it? Can it be produced or have 20 copies, including digital copies, been destroyed? As of today Sunday 16th of June 2013, no such menu has been produced. The only menu thus far in the public domain, is the crude and sexist menu.

Sunrise Channel 7 showing Mr Joe Richards' email to Mal Brough

Sunrise Channel 7 showing Mr Joe Richards’ email to Mal Brough

3. In Joe Richards’ email to Mal Brough, he refers to creating ‘a’ mock menu himself but never produced ‘them’ for public distribution. That the ‘a menu’ is referred to as ‘them’ is rather uncommon and unusual and appears to be a freudian slip.

4. Who are the 20 secret LNP donors who were there on the night? Why haven’t they come forward to clear their names, denounce any association with a sexist menu and back up the version put by Mr Richards? They are eyewitnesses to the event and can testify that all was above board as claimed.

5. Can Joe Richards confirm to the media that he knows how to use a computer, that he has Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign skills. Or can he tell us which application he is best at. It took an experienced graphic designer 90 minutes to mock up an identical menu.

6. Finally, was Quail on the menu and did Mr Brough and Mr Hockey enjoy it?

These and many more questions are not being followed up. Any reason? Surely if this was an ALP fundraising function, it would get the resources and media front page coverage it deserves?


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  1. Isn’t it a little hard to believe that if it were father to son only, they would have ONE copy professionally printed? Wouldn’t it have been on the back of an envelope? NO-ONE else saw it? BS!!!

  2. bloody grubs, LNP!

  3. What a deadly web we weave when first we practice to deceive……..

  4. MichelleP says

    Another question for owner.., if your version of events is correct are your staff free to comment to confirm without fear or losing their jobs?

  5. Excellent questions, Now for the answers…waiting…waiting…waiting.

  6. dannylewis says

    Given this was a fundraising dinner, I assume the 20 guests paying $1,000 a head (I heard it might even have been $2,000 a head), were given food and drink for this exorbitant amount of money. Not even the great Gough Whitlam is worth over $1,000 just to hear him speak – and Joe Hockey doesn’t hold a candle to him.

    So … the most obvious question is: as Mal Brough and Joe Hockey would have both EATEN on the night how did they know what to order if they weren’t given a menu? And if they did see a menu and if it was just a normal menu and didn’t contain anything offensive, why didn’t they both come and UNEQUIVOCABLY state that no such menu was in circulation?

    But, no. We get the stock standard “I didn’t see it”, which came across almost as convincing as the “I didn’t hear it” from Alex Hawke and Sussan Ley when Alan Jones said the PM’s father died of shame.

    Also, in the many years I have held fundraising dinners, I can tell you it is typical for guest to take a memento from the evening: a place card, beer coaster, menu, whatever, and get it autographed by the guest of honour or any personages present.

    I find it really hard to believe that people were prepared to part with at least $1,000 a head and NOT get an autographed menu.

    And on the subject, where are the 20 diners who were present? Surely we can find SOMEONE, apart from Joe Richards, Mal Brough and Joe Hockey, who can tell us whether the menus were in use or not?

  7. “Surely if this was an ALP fundraising function, it would get the resources and media front page coverage it deserves?”

    Surely it would get that, and much, much more. Where the hell are the MSM? It’s already as if it had never even happened – lost in the mists of time, in only a week. There were at least twenty first hand witnesses, all still nameless, none ever interviewed.

  8. Was it really a fund-raiser?