Get tough on environmental extremists: miners’ case against #leardblockade: Like to respond? http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/22/miners-case-leardblockade-anyone-like-respond/#sthash.BtM9BBnj.dpuf … #auspol @margokingston1
Leard State Forest – Get Involved #leardblockade
The only thing left is community action – Take the pledge! -
MT @takvera: Cutting down a river redgum #carbonsink to make a #coal mine to cause #ClimateChange #Leardblockade
http://youtu.be/KaYsXEYwSx4 -
@Rod_Hagen it’s slackness due to #whitehaven arrogance it can get away with anything, even fell a forest for a coal mine #leardblockade
An online mining publisher used my #leardblockade pics in ‘Women locked to excavators, hanging from trees’ report
http://www.ferret.com.au/articles/news/Women-locked-to-excavators-hanging-from-trees-in-Maules-Creek-mine-protest-n2511666 … -
@HenriMcAlister they gave credit – ‘Images: #Leardblockade – Twitter’ good enough for me!
Swag no longer under stars but under rain. Day eleven of #leardblockade begins with sprinkles of mercy and flashes of lightening.
Lock the Gate #leardblockade UPDATE – man stops lunge into forest; Construction work on the controversial (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1s0162v
Hero’s saving forests for all of us! Margo’s live twitter report from #leardblockade Day 4 – No Fibs http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/19/margos-live-twitter-report-from-leardblockade-day-4/ … via @NoFibs
Co-ordinated political legal and media attacks on climate science in NZ – by an intended victim http://theconversation.com/an-insiders-story-of-the-global-attack-on-climate-science-21972?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest+from+The+Conversation+for+23+January+2014&utm_content=Latest+from+The+Conversation+for+23+January+2014+CID_9dbda228394cd0ab4909d5e53d5a453e&utm_source=campaign_monitor&utm_term=An%20insiders%20story%20of%20the%20global%20attack%20on%20climate%20science … #leardblockade
Today’s bulldozer lock-on is latest action at #leardblockade – highlighting ongoing conflict over Maules Creek mine. http://leardstateforest.tumblr.com/post/74210551944/mine-construction-interrupted-by-leard-forest-blockade …
Congratulations to all the courageous people trying so hard to stop Coal Destruction of #leardforest
.@kateausburn has #leardblockade got on-the-ground legal support yet? Backs-to-wall out there!
Major Sydney radio show set for mine site live broadcast http://bit.ly/1cWOGrj @1017WSFM @JonesyandAmanda #nswmining
Waiting for @MaulesCreek Campdraft cmttee photo op with @kevinhumphriesmp & Nbri Mayor Conrad Bolton #Leardblockade
.@Phil_Laird1 please tweet the group photo Phil – town-split on #leardblockade, time-out moment… @MaulesCreek
@kateausburn do you have name and details of #leardblockade protestor holding up road into forest?
Hope a few people coming to #leardblockade this weekend are tweeters, writers etc – we could get a news team thing happening…
@margokingston1 so no response that Maules Creek Mine is state, federal, EPBC Act & IESC approved? #mining #leardblockade #nswpol #auspol
.@CookingwithCH4 that’s why some people have engaged in civil disobedience at #leardblockade – last way to stop forest felled for coal mine
@margokingston1 so u will never be satisfied! You are above the law & approvals! #mining #leardblockade #nswpol #auspol
@CookingwithCH4 protesters NOT above law – arrested, charged. Civil disobedience is breaking law for a compelling just cause. #leardblockade
It’s easy to be supportive of the law when your lobbyists have the ears of governments @CookingwithCH4 @margokingston1
.@CookingwithCH4 obscene to build new coal mine by felling critcally endangered forest. A grotesque UpYours to climate change #leardblockade
Today’s eco-warrior ‘bunny’ facing arrest for locking-on is James – more details soon via @kateausburn on the #leardblockade frontline
@margokingston1 a ‘just cause’ that has been approved by state, federal, EPBC Act, Water Trigger & IESC. #leardblockade #mining #auspol
@CookingwithCH4 we disagree on this one!
@margokingston1 thanks for reporting from the #Leardblockade, I’m interested to know what’s happening there.
NSW Min Council buys @1017WSFM @JonesyandAmanda for live broadcast mining promotion – big guns out for #leardblockade http://www.nswmining.com.au/menu/media/news/2014/january/major-sydney-radio-show-set-for-mine-site-live-bro …
@thatsjazz2 NSW Mining Council on the front foot for mine! Trying to crush #leardblockade by threats and smears. + soft-sell advertising.
@CookingwithCH4 yes – forests rare now, need priority protection for what’s left. #leardblockade
“@1EarthMedia: Min.Council on Taree radio y’day “great unwashed dole-bludging hoolahooping pro-protestors” – the announcer!” #leardblockade
ANZ uses Simon Baker, tiny art for ad campaign http://mumbrella.com.au/anz-uses-simon-baker-tiny-art-latest-brand-campaign-201650 … ANZ finances #Whathaven for coal mine on felled forest #leardblockade
Would someone be prepared to create and update summary list and links for #leardblockade news and blogs? Your site or @NoFibs fine.
Well said Clr Bevan O’Regan, helping #leardblockade and the #Pilliga “We have stooped to gutter politics http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2040267/we-have-stooped-to-gutter-politics/ … via @The_NDL
Narrabri Cr O’Reagan on Council being a tool of the #fossilfuelindustrialcomplex in the @The_NDL #leardblockade http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2040267/we-have-stooped-to-gutter-politics/?cs=168 …
BREAKING: Narrabri councillor lodges recision motion on eviction of #leardblockade camp – camp now safe tell next council meeting on 4 Feb
BREAKING: Stattement of events by #leardblockade River Red Gum arrestee Susie Russell – @bulga99 – http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/23/learblockade-river-red-gum-arrestee-susie-russell-statement-events/ … via @NoFibs
Forests under Abbott gun – Hunt confirms protection wind-back for Tassie forests via @Wilderness_Aus http://goo.gl/Q112rz #leardblockade
Hi @Wilderness_Aus – are you supporting gathering at #leardblockade this weekend?
@margokingston1 Absolutely! Our NSW team put a call out on their Facebook for RSVPs and for transport assistance http://goo.gl/xQ0lTm
Yep. “@georgefwoods: @NSWMC now reduced to offering people a million $$ to support #coal expansion. ” http://www.nswmining.com.au/menu/media/news/2014/january/major-sydney-radio-show-set-for-mine-site-live-bro … #leardblockade
Effort to force the #Leardblockade and #Pilliga protesters to move on has been foiled – for now http://www.smh.com.au/environment/move-to-evict-antimining-protesters-blocked-20140123-31b2v.html?rand=1390453530183 … #coal #csg #climate
@margokingston1 thanks Margo, @TWSNSW are organising the #leardblockade. Check their FB for details http://goo.gl/xQ0lTm
Great article about attempted #leardblockade eviction from local councilor: http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2040267/we-have-stooped-to-gutter-politics/ … via @The_NDL #auspol #coal
Things are heating up in the fight to stop Australia’s largest new coal mine. Are you in? Join the #LeardBlockade http://ow.ly/sR7aZ
@350 and the #leardblockade weather has cooled down! http://www.meteorology.com.au/local-forecast/nsw/boggabri …
.@dan_spencer123 Go @The_NDL – rural media showing city MSM how to write thorough, informative & balanced news reports #leardblockade
@TJ_Norton no, left Monday evening, back tomorrow. Receiving reports from frontline via #leardblockade – camp organisers rushed off feet.
@margokingston1 I don’t tolerate violence in any political action. Be safe ok?
.@TJ_Norton agreed – non-violence a foundation principle of #leardblockade
.@TJ_Norton The #leardblockade is committed to the strategy of Non-violent direct action – NVDA – http://www.risingtide.org.au/node/1126
Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan: ‘”These protesters have earned the respect of the general public.” http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2040267/we-have-stooped-to-gutter-politics/ … #leardblockade
Whitehaven’s Maules Creek mine stirring controversy in the Leard State Forest. @mpbowers investigates http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/the-coal-mine-and-maules-creek-ecological-haven-or-whitehaven/816/ … #leardblockade
Sacred sites under threat from Maules Creek coalmine, Indigenous elders say http://trib.al/7atsC9k
Courageous woman putting her body on the line at #leardblockade, in the tradition of Rosa Parks http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/23/leardblockade-river-red-gum-arrestee-susie-russell-statement-events/ … #lockthegate
@TheGlobalMail @mpbowers appalling that Flynn does not know the Namoi Water Study #grossnegligence #leardblockade
The Coal Mine And Maules Creek – Ecological Haven or Whitehaven? http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/the-coal-mine-and-maules-creek-ecological-haven-or-whitehaven/816/ … via @TheGlobalMail @magokingston1 #leardblockade
Is Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan on Twitter? #leardblockade
Hi @VisitNarrabri – is Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan on Twitter? #leardblockade
@VisitNarrabri – Well done Narrabri Council for moving on the Circus of Ferals called the #leardblockade – #NswPol #Auspol @The_NDL #Mining
@PetefromHayNSW ferals greatly outnumbered by non-ferals, Peter! Though after a few days… #leardblockade @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
Gomeroi Elders and Traditional Owners invite us to stand with them in Gunnedah tomorrow, 11am. http://www.nvi.com.au/story/2041506/peaceful-protest/?cs=373 … #leardblockade
Today’s #leardblockade arrestee is James (no arrest details so far) http://www.flickr.com/photos/leardstateforest/12093236495/in/photostream/ …
Pot calling the kettle black again!
#leardblockade #ExtremeEnergy #QuitCoal“Unacceptable risk taking http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2034850/unacceptable-risk-taking/ … v @The_NDL “
Gomeroi elder Uncle Dick Talbot says aboriginal cultural sites under threat by Whitehaven #coal mine #leardblockade http://youtu.be/fQvJ4PcxF4g?t=3m15s …
.@GuardianAus thank you for the #leardblockade photo credit! Could you tweet on this topic using the hashtag?
Sacred sites under threat from Maules Creek coalmine, Indigenous elders say http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/23/sacred-sites-under-threat-from-maules-creek-coalmine … #leardblockade
Activists maintain the rage in Leard http://www.nvi.com.au/story/2041497/activists-maintain-the-rage-in-leard/?cs=373 …
@Asher_Wolf thanks for your interest in #leardblockade – like our news feed hashtag?
@margokingston1 @Asher_Wolf It doesn’t look good for the protesters.
@jackinbocks2025 nope, quick crush desired, before momentum builds @Asher_Wolf
Oh, government and big energy/miners in cahoots to criminalise protesters in England too http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/jan/21/fracking-activism-protest-terrorist-oil-corporate-spies … #leardblockade
Aussies show us the way by defending the Leard Forest from a new coal mine with civil disobedience http://bit.ly/1hMmFYT #leardblockade
Proud to be joining Gomeroi in Gunnedah today over $WHC “ripping the guts” out of sacred sites #leardblockade http://gu.com/p/3m58h/tw
Tamworth resident Jan Lucas in @The_NDL – ‘Leard Forest is our Franklin dam – we must save it’ – http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2042888/leave-leard-forest-to-birds-and-animals/ … #leardblockade
Local ecologist Philip Spark’s appeal letter to friends to help save Leard State Forest via @NoFibs #leardblockade http://nofibs.com.au/?p=12457
@margokingston1 Rural police have a broad spectrum of duties – unfair to dump 24/7 protests on them #leardblockade @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
@PetefromHayNSW so you say don’t protest because the police are stretched? #leardblockade @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
On way to Gunnedah to march with Gomeroi nation to demand mining Leard Forest clearing stopped until burial sites found. #leardblockade
@margokingston1 “Maverick” not a term associated with majority – suppose he doesn’t have the Feral Circus on his doorstep @VisitNarrabri
@PetefromHayNSW sound like a good man @VisitNarrabri
Hi @juliemacken – farmer/Deputy Mayor of Narrabri Council O’Regan earned #leardblockade camp a reprieve – profile http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ …
Traditional Owners protest against Whitehaven Coal | Mining Australia: http://www.miningaustralia.com.au/news/traditional-owners-protest-against-whitehaven-coal#.UuG1unJCDjs.twitter … via @ozmining #mining #coal #leardblockade
Who says farmers, greenies & council can’t work together to save natural resources? http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ … … @margokingston1 #leardblockade
Come along and find out how Bris people can help with the #leardblockade against the Maules Creek #coal mine http://ow.ly/sTzne
@VickyValidakis hi Vicky – welcome to #leardblockade
hey there, welcome to all our new followers – use #standwithjono to show support & follow #leardblockade for on the ground updates
My interview with Narrabri Dep Mayor O’Regan – ‘not ratbags, locals supply petrol, wood, groceries’ http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ … #leardblockade
@margokingston1 Chaining to gates equipment beyond protest – as is not accepting a Democratic L-Council decision @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
@PetefromHayNSW the rescission motion is a democratic procedure of Council #leardblockade @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
@SteveLarsson Face painters, Hula Hoopers, Clowns and now a Communist #LeardBlockade @margokingston1 @VisitNarrabri @The_NDL
@margokingston1 Congrats to 81yo youngster Bevan O’Regan, a man who is still growing. “some very sensible people at the camp” #leardblockade
Narrabri Councillor Bevan O’Regan appalled at misuse of fire service to evict #leardblockade protestors http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ …
This Australia day, us underdogs will fight Big Coal to save Maules Creek | Phil Laird http://trib.al/I3EFBlR
This Australia day, us underdogs will fight Big Coal to save Maules Creek #leardblockade| Phil Laird http://gu.com/p/3m64v/tw via @guardian
in @GuardianAus today, @Phil_Laird1 writes about the #leardblockade to save #maulescreek & the forest ~ http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/24/this-australia-day-us-underdogs-will-fight-big-coal-to-save-maules-creek … #coal #mining
Interview with dissident Narrabri councillor who stopped protesters being evicted #Leardblockade http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ … via @NoFibs
“Whats happening in this shire is disgusting.” Narrabri Deputy Mayor #CSG @LockTheGate #Leardblockade #nswpol @NoFibs http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ …
@KathViner hope u can send journo to #leardblockade for frontline eco-warriors gathering – interesting way to spend Aus Day!
Imagine the Lorax meets Avatar – that’s the devastation being wrought on Leard Forest in the name of new coal. #leardblockade
.@TheKooriWoman Abbott defunds environment legal service, now Aboriginal LS to shut out powerless from access to legal system #leardblockade
This Oz Day, I’ll be at #leardblockade playing my part in this iconic battle against the coal industry. Join us! http://bit.ly/LOrntT
@VickyValidakis DOPI decision maker Stephen O’Donoghue – co. ceased work pending ‘outcomes of investigation’ #leardblockade
Another “feral hoolahooping hippy” who looks suspiciously like a regular bloke supporting #LeardBlockade at Narrabri http://nofibs.com.au/2014/01/24/maverick-narrabri-councillor-bevan-oregan-certain-style-country-bloke-leardblockade/ …
An Australia Day message from Maules Creek farmer Phil Laird. http://bit.ly/1mzCoL2 #leardblockade #farmsnotcoal #waternotcoal
Environment/Aboriginal legal services defunded by Abbott = miners open slather to break law – equality before law trashed #leardblockade
COMING UP w @paulbevo: An issue in sport with @kammiefly and embeded journalist @margokingston1 from #leardblockade – http://bit.ly/1233air
Follow @PeterDGardner RT Australia’s climate plan: are you serious? http://theconversation.com/australias-climate-plan-are-you-serious-22170 … … #leardblockade #lockthegate @margokingston1
Being interviewed now by @paulbevo on @ABCUpperHunter about @NoFibs #leardblockade citizen journo project http://bit.ly/1233air
LISTEN BACK: @margokingston1 on reporting from the frontline of #LeardBlockade
https://soundcloud.com/1233newcastle/citizen-journo-margo-kingston … -
Phil Laird: “My fifth generation farming family & I are siding with the underdogs against Big #Coal.” http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/24/this-australia-day-us-underdogs-will-fight-big-coal-to-save-maules-creek … #leardblockade
GOMEROI ELDERS HEAD GUNNEDAH PROTEST AGAINST MINING ACTIVITY #leardblockade http://www.nbnnews.com.au/index.php/2014/01/24/gomeroi-elders-head-gunnedah-protest-against-mining-activity/ … via @nbnnews
@WelcomeGas no police brutality alleged at #leardblockade as far as I know
@WelcomeGas I was at #leardblockade 4 days Thursday to Monday – police were professional.
@AusConservation how about some lobbying to protect the endangered species and leard forest from destruction #leardblockade @margokingston1
This media statement comes from the Gomeroi who are the Traditional Owners of the country where Leard State Forest is http://leardstateforest.tumblr.com/post/74372611868/this-media-statement-comes-from-the-gomeroi-who …