Part 2 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The Qld Weekly - No Fibs
Rolling coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 2 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016

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Penalty rates.
Riveting viewing.
Green tide.
Bill is back in Queensland.
Saints and sinners.

(May 17, 2016) Day 10 – Penalty rates

Battle for Indi

ABC 730: Libbi Gorr on the campaign trail with Sophie Mirabella & Cathy McGowan.

ABC 730: Libbi Gorr on the campaign trail with Sophie Mirabella & Cathy McGowan.

Where have they been so far?

Ending religious exemptions

Duncan Storrar update

Stop the facts

Tone hits the phones

Peter Martin says Aussie John Symond is wrong on negative gearing

Brisbane Cross-River Rail announcement soon

  • Cameron Atfield reported, “After a first week of the federal election campaign bereft of major announcements for the battleground state of Queensland, Labor has given the unsurprising hint that Cross River Rail will form part of its platform in the state.”: Labor hints at Cross River Rail announcement.

Eating disorder sufferers face loss of services

ABC 730: Ombudsman Kate Carnell on why she recommended taking the axe to the Butterfly Foundation.

ABC 730: Ombudsman Kate Carnell on why she recommended taking the axe to the Butterfly Foundation.

ABC News: Turnbull Govt threatens to cut funding to Butterfly Foundation eating disorders.

ABC News: Turnbull Govt threatens to cut funding to Butterfly Foundation which provides help for eating disorders.

Penalty rates in debate

The Sydney Morning Herald - Unions Turn On Labor Over Penalty Rate Stand, May 17, 2016.

The Sydney Morning Herald – Unions Turn On Labor Over Penalty Rate Stand, May 17, 2016.

Backpacker tax on hold until after election

Bill in Adelaide

Ten Eyewitness News: Bill Shorten gets a cuddle, Malcolm Turnbull campaigns on stopping boats.

Ten Eyewitness News: Bill Shorten gets a cuddle, Malcolm Turnbull campaigns on stopping boats.

Mal in Darwin

Sniper Peta Credlin attacks



(May 16, 2016) Day 9 – Riveting viewing

Morgan poll

Catholic bishops enter the fray

Negative gearing zombie

Bill in Geelong

Mal in Fremantle

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull distances himself from Lib Fremantle candidate Sherry Sufi.

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull distances himself from Lib Fremantle candidate Sherry Sufi.

Vote Compass

Abbott-Turnbull Government has failed on shipping jobs

ABC News: Jobs & growth? Abbott-Turnbull has failed to promote shipping jobs for Australians.

ABC News: Jobs & growth? Abbott-Turnbull has failed to promote shipping jobs for Australians.

Kevin Rudd supports Bill Shorten

Tony Abbott says Peta Credlin riveting

America wins from Australian tax cuts

  • SBS News reported, “The American tax office will gain more revenue from the Turnbull government’s proposed cut to the company tax rate, the Australia Institute warns”: Claim company tax cut a gift to US coffers.



(May 15, 2016) Day 8 – Green tide

Greens to focus on environment, asylum seekers and fairness

Tony Abbott campaigns at home

ABC News Qld: Tony Abbott launches his legacy in Warringah.

ABC News Qld: Tony Abbott launches his legacy in Warringah.

Humane approach to asylum seekers from Liberal

Peta Credlin floats the boats



(May 14, 2016) Day 7 – Bill is back in Queensland

A word from David Marler (@Qldaah)

The media appears to have abandoned covering the education policy championed by Labor in Brisbane today. Instead, the hungry beast continues to hunt the prized Labor ‘gotcha’ moment of failing to follow the leader on asylum seeker policy.

When a former Socialist Alliance member and current Brisbane teacher interrupted Bill Shorten’s speech on education, the media swung their guns onto boats. In doing so, it gave Malcolm Turnbull an easy platform for the nightly news to chastise Labor’s record. It seems easier for the media to put a heckler to air and play with boats than it is to scrutinise Labor’s education policy. This dogmatic media focus is exactly how we end up with idiots in charge and spend the following three years asking ourselves how we arrived here.

Laura Tingle lamented this week, “If, judged by the nightly news bulletin, you think the election campaign this week has been full of the inconsequential, try following it on social media where we are treated to, in a number of cases, people who are unable to distinguish between the story they are covering – the election campaign – and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become reality TV stars: photos of the media pack getting off planes and buses; selfies with politicians at campaign events; what has been eaten for lunch; that sort of thing.”

I’m not disregarding the plight of refugees. It’s the single-minded, blinkered quest for the ‘gotcha’ moment that threatens to spoil this Australian election again.

You can do better, Australian media.

Rally for Queensland

ABC News Qld: Bill Shorten back in Qld & Malcolm Turnbull gives bankers a lecture.

ABC News Qld: Bill Shorten back in Qld & Malcolm Turnbull gives bankers a lecture.

ABC News 24 - Malcolm Turnbull makes Tony Abbott look like a man of the future: Bill Shorten's Qld speech.

ABC News 24 – Malcolm Turnbull makes Tony Abbott look like a man of the future: Bill Shorten’s Qld speech.

The economy

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull says the government is slowly bringing down the structural deficit.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull says the government is slowly bringing down the structural deficit.

A word on Shorten

  • David Marr writes, “If Bill Shorten wants to steer the Labor Party back into power, he needs to stop looking like the boy who just wants to be liked.”: Bill Shorten: the man in the machine.

Pathology and diagnostic imaging costs to rise

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull responds to claims by AMA that his comments on pathologists are misleading.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull responds to claims by AMA that his comments on pathologists are misleading.

Mal in Reid


(May 13, 2016) Day 6 – Saints and sinners

News Corp attacks Duncan Storrar

The Australian - Aztec Revelations: The Truth About My Father The Q&A 'Hero', May 12, 2016.

The Australian – Aztec Revelations: The Truth About My Father The Q&A ‘Hero’, May 12, 2016.

The Herald Sun - ABC Hero A Villain, May 13, 2016.

The Herald Sun – ABC Hero A Villain, May 13, 2016.

Duncan Storrar is neither hero or villain. He’s an anti-hero who challenged the political establishment. He made some, especially conservatives, angry.

After Mr Storrar’s appearance on ABC QandA on Monday night, a crowd-funding campaign began to help the battler and his family. Associate Editor at The Australian, Caroline Overington, responded by looking into the background of the single Dad and reported, “The truth about my father, Duncan Storrar, the Q&A ‘hero’.

She found Storrar’s estranged son, Aztec Major, who revealed history of family abuse and drug use. The story was reworked on today’s Herald Sun by Anthony Galloway, adding a list of criminal activity, “Q&A star Duncan Storrar exposed as thug as public raise $60,000”.

Overington is a big Malcolm Turnbull fan who ABC Media Watch exposed in 2007. She attempted to use her influence in the media over a Turnbull opponent for Wentworth, Danielle Ecuyer, to direct her preferences: “How To Vote”.

Ben Eltham wrote today, “The curious mix of misguided charity and conservative rage directed at Duncan Storrar explains why the Coalition are so anxious to keep inequality off the electoral agenda. Whatever you do, don’t mention the (class) war,”: Duncan Storrar on Q&A. The pursuit of Duncan Storrar reveals the savagery of Australia’s class warfare.

In a radio interview, Herald Sun editor, Damon Johnston, told Jon Faine on ABC 744 Melbourne that, “If you put yourself on the public stage and particularly in the middle of an election campaign questioning government policy, questioning this, I think you’re entitled to be subjected to a bit of scrutiny.”

Jacqueline Maley commented that, “the great hero/villain of the campaign this week was the non-politician Duncan Storrar”.

Michael Safi wrote, “Storrar found his past was considered fair game in the media after he articulated with disarming clarity how the budget looks from the lowest rungs.”: Duncan Storrar went on Q&A – now his personal life is dragged through the mud.

Tony Abbott hits Dawson

7 News: Strong Abbott-Turnbull Govt: George Christensen's Tony Abbott dream comes true.

7 News: Strong Abbott-Turnbull Govt: George Christensen’s Tony Abbott dream comes true.

People’s forum

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull square off over negative gearing.

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull square off over negative gearing.

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten & Malcolm Turnbull debate issue of multinational tax avoidance.

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten & Malcolm Turnbull debate issue of multinational tax avoidance.

What’s with that #ausvotes emoj?

RSRT puts weet-bix and cornflakes at risk

  • A small businessperson has stepped into a Michaelia Cash and Ewen Jones media conference in Townsville to tell of dire consequences should Labor win the election and bring back the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal. He says, “Nothing would move. There’s 30,000 trucks that would be off the road. Just think about that. You wouldn’t have your Corn flakes, your Weet-bix, anything.”
ABC News 24: Corn flakes & Weet-Bix at risk from RSRT, agree Michaelia Cash & Ewen Jones/

ABC News 24: Corn flakes & Weet-Bix at risk from RSRT, agree Michaelia Cash & Ewen Jones


Vote Compass

Inner West Sydney with Bill

Bill Shorten misleading on working mums, millionaires and the budget

Negating negative gearing

Letters are going out

Woman manhandled in Hindmarch

Mal in Hindmarsh

“Mr Harbourside Mansion,” quips frenemy

Sky News: Peta Credlin on Mr Harbourside Mansion's problem in Lindsay.

Sky News: Peta Credlin on Mr Harbourside Mansion’s problem in Lindsay.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull responds to Peta Credlin's 'Mr Harbourside Mansion' quip with 'jobs & growth'.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull responds to Peta Credlin’s ‘Mr Harbourside Mansion’ quip with ‘jobs & growth’.


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