Part 4 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The Qld Weekly - No Fibs
Covering the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 4 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016

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Politics on the Reef.
Bumbling Barnaby.
Carping on with Barnaby.
Spendometers and black hole politics.
Donations and the Mob.

(May 27, 2016) Day 20 – Politics on the Reef

Australia bleached from UNESCO report

Morrison Vs Bowen treasurer debate

ABC News 24: "Fit for purpose": New 3-word slogan from Scott Morrison may mean cuts.

ABC News 24: “Fit for purpose”: New 3-word slogan from Scott Morrison may mean cuts.

ReachTel 2PP to Labor

7 News: Malcolm Turnbull meets the Qld wall of resistance as Labor rises in ReachTel.

7 News: Malcolm Turnbull meets the Qld wall of resistance as Labor rises in ReachTel.


Duncan Storrar story continues

Mal’s advice for Bill on Trump

Malcolm Turnbull has lectured Bill Shorten on foreign policy after he described US presidential candidate Donald Trump as ‘barking mad’. However, Turnbull freely expressed his opinion yesterday on Britain remaining in the European Union.

In March 2016, Christopher Pyne said of Donald Trump, “Donald Trump is “terrifying” and is making American democracy look “kind of weird.”

In 2007, Prime Minister John Howard commented on US presidential candidate, Barack Obama, saying, “If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray, as many times as possible, for a victory not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats.” 

Earlier this year, Howard said he ‘trembles’ at the thought of Trump becoming president and yesterday described described him as ‘unstable’.

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull prefers Britain to stay in the EU.

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull prefers Britain to stay in the EU drawing the ire of Andrew Rosindell.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull lectures Bill Shorten on commenting on US elections.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull lectures Bill Shorten on commenting on US elections.

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten on won't repeat 'barking mad' Donald Trump for the cameras.

ABC News 24: Bill Shorten on won’t repeat ‘barking mad’ Donald Trump for the cameras.

Insight into Turnbull spinners

Bulk billing rates rise under Coalition

ABC Fact Check: Bulk billing rates have increased under the Coalition.

ABC Fact Check: Bulk billing rates have increased under the Coalition.

Cambodia refugee deal falling down

The Cambodia Herald: "The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng, and Australia's Immigration Minister Scott Morrison who is in Cambodia for a two-day visit."

The Cambodia Herald, September 26, 2014: “The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng, and Australia’s Immigration Minister Scott Morrison who is in Cambodia for a two-day visit.”

Green energy, red tape

Government hurdles and obstacles across the country are holding up green energy projects. A campaign is underway to target marginal seats to make politicians take notice.

ABC News: #ausvotes #qldpol Green power, red tape: Renewable energy projects held up across the country.

ABC News: #ausvotes #qldpol Green power, red tape: Renewable energy projects held up across the country.

Labor’s Jamie Clements before the courts

House price growth to slow under Labor

Mal in Brisbane



(May 26, 2016) Day 19 – Bumbling Barnaby

Asylum seekers sent after live cattle exports frozen

Bumbling Barnaby Joyce has gone a bit too far in making a point on the live animal trade by linking it to asylum seeker boats.

7 News: Barnaby Joyce dodges media questions over Indonesia comments.

7 News: Barnaby Joyce dodges media questions over Indonesia comments.

ABC News 24: Unleash the boats: Barnaby Joyce links live export freeze to asylum seekers.

ABC News 24: Unleash the boats: Barnaby Joyce links live export freeze to asylum seekers.

No feasibility study for promises

Millions have been promised for dams across marginal Coalition seats in Queensland without any feasibility studies having been completed.

ABC News 24: Turnbull Govt's promise of Rookwood Weir at Rockhampton hasn't passed a feasibility study.

ABC News 24: Turnbull Govt’s promise of Rookwood Weir at Rockhampton hasn’t passed a feasibility study.

National’s “Confence”

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce and deputy Fiona Nash are all set to hold the annual NSW “confence”.

Barnaby’s advice for Johnny

ABC News 24: #ausvotes #qldpol Barnaby Joyce comments on Johnny Depp's break-up with Amber Heard.

ABC News 24: #ausvotes #qldpol Barnaby Joyce comments on Johnny Depp’s break-up with Amber Heard.

Question avoidance

ABC political journalist, Eliza Borrello has reported that at this morning’s Rockhampton press conference with Malcolm Turnbull and Barnaby Joyce, the journalists were segregated into regional and national groups. They then took questions from the regionals to avoid questions on Joyce’s increased asylum seeker boats from Indonesia due to the 2011 live export trade suspension. Federal MP for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, can be seen conferring with Joyce behind Turnbull before names of journalists on their right are shouted out above follow up questions.

ABC News 24: Eliza Borrello reports Turnbull & Joyce segregated & preferenced journalists.

ABC News 24: Eliza Borrello reports Turnbull & Joyce segregated & preferenced journalists.

ABC News 24: Barnaby Joyce avoids follow up questions on live export & boats claim,

ABC News 24: Barnaby Joyce avoids follow up questions on live export & boats claim.

Australians mostly opposed to foreign ownership

Mazoe Ford from the ABC’s Vote Compass election coverage team has found that despite the success of foreign investment for Queensland’s cotton farm, Cubbie Station, up to 80 percent of Australians think the Federal Government should restrict foreign ownership.

ABC News Qld: Locals say Cubbie Station saved by foreign investment but nation still opposed.

ABC News Qld: Locals say Cubbie Station saved by foreign investment but nation still opposed.

Still seeing black holes

Mal’s advice on Brexit

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull prefers Britain to stay in the EU.

ABC News: Malcolm Turnbull prefers Britain to stay in the EU.

ABC News 24: PM Malcolm Turnbull says Australia benefits from Britain being part of EU

ABC News 24: PM Malcolm Turnbull says Australia benefits from Britain being part of EU

Donor dodger vows a fresh start

Trouble in Lindsay

Nova Peris breaks down

ABC News 24:l Nova Peris breaks down under media pressure over her decision not to re-contest.

ABC News 24:l Nova Peris breaks down under media pressure over her decision not to re-contest.


Telstra to manage health records

  • Mark Kenny reported, “The Turnbull government is pushing ahead with plans to place sensitive medical records under corporate management and will announce on Thursday that Telstra Health – a division of Telstra – has been awarded the contract to manage a new national cancer screening register from next year.”: Telstra wins contract to manage your health records.

David Feeney saga

The Daily Telegraph - Blueprint Bungle, May 26, 2016.

The Daily Telegraph – Blueprint Bungle, May 26, 2016.

Bill in Darwin


(May 25, 2016) Day 18 – Carping on with Barnaby

Tomato Barnaby Joyce

No wonder people across the world think Barnaby is about to explode with his recent performance in the Australian parliament yelling, “carp!” at the Labor Party. The new Deputy Prime Minister also aggressively attacked the opposition during question time by yelling, “disgusting, mud-sucking creatures!” in their direction. Now, in the ongoing saga over his dogs, Johnny Depp has told a US chat show that Joyce looks like he’s been crossed with a tomato and might explode.

In response, Joyce has told the media he is Hannibal Lecter.

ABC News: Barnaby Joyce reveals he is Hannibal Lecter.

ABC News: Barnaby Joyce reveals he is Hannibal Lecter.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce yells "carp" at the opposition.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce yells “carp” at the opposition.

Tony Abbott troubles

Black holes within black holes

ABC News 24: Scott Morrison says what happened yesterday was a house half burnt down.

ABC News 24: Scott Morrison says what happened yesterday was a house half burnt down.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull under pressure to explain the black hole in the black hole.

ABC News 24: Malcolm Turnbull under pressure to explain the black hole in the black hole.

Scare campaign terminated

Mathias Cormann has botched his lines this morning by telling the media that Bill Shorten is what the country needs.

ABC News 24: Mathias Cormann says Bill Shorten is very caring and very much in touch.

ABC News 24: Mathias Cormann says Bill Shorten is very caring and very much in touch.

Andrew Hastie defies orders

Mal in the Dandenongs

Bill in Melbourne


Bullet Train Party


(May 24, 2016) Day 17 – Spendometers and black hole politics

There’s a black hole in your black hole, Treasurer

ABC News 24: There's a black hole in your black hole, Treasurer.

ABC News 24: There’s a black hole in your black hole, Treasurer.

ScoMo behind the lines

The spendometer

Mal in Geelong

Labor candidates not allowed to wear uniforms

Labor candidate for Brisbane Pat O’Neill has been told by the Department of Defence to take down three billboards of him wearing his army uniform. However, there was no complaint when Liberal candidate Andie Hastie used his army career in the campaign for Canning.

Ten Eyewitness News: No problems for Liberal Andie Hastie but Department of Defence tells Labor's Pat O'Neill to take it down.

Ten Eyewitness News: No problems for Liberal Andie Hastie but Department of Defence tells Labor’s Pat O’Neill to take it down.

Nova Peris calls it a day

Pauline Hanson

Pauline Hanson has popped up yet again for the election hoping to scrape enough votes together to make the senate. Whether to scare us or inspire, as perennial as the shock-polli herself, the media loves to trot out the story of her comeback at every election. Hanson last contested the 2015 Queensland election as a candidate for the seat of Lockyer.


(May 23, 2016) Day 16 – Donations and the Mob

Mafia link to Liberals

FlashBackFrom 2014, Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and Royce Millar reported, “The suspected Mafia godfather of Melbourne helped bankroll a Liberal Party marginal federal seat campaign in the 2013 election, raising the prospect that the proceeds of crime have flowed into Liberal coffers.”: Libs take money off Mafia man.

From 2015, William PJ Kulich reported, “McMillan’s Liberal MP Russell Broadbent has said claims made by Fairfax and the ABC that he arranged meetings between Mafia figures and federal ministers are incorrect.”: Broadbent denies Mafia ties.

From 2015, Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker, Michael Bachelard and Sean Nicholls reported, “Mafia figures donated tens of thousands of dollars to the discredited NSW Liberal Party fundraising vehicle, the Millennium Forum, as part of an ultimately successful campaign to allow a known criminal to stay in Australia.”: Key Liberal fundraising body took Mafia money for access.

From 2015, Nick McKenzie, Clay Hichens and  Klaus Toft reported on Amanda Vanstone, Phillip Ruddock and Russell Broadbent in, The Mafia in Australia: Drugs, Murder and Politics.

The Age: Slain Mafia Lawyer Linked To Top Libs, May 23, 2016.

The Age: Slain Mafia Lawyer Linked To Top Libs, May 23, 2016.

Bill in Perth

ABC News 24: The Big Lie: Bill Shorten responds to the 'spendometer' accusation.

ABC News 24: The Big Lie: Bill Shorten responds to the ‘spendometer’ accusation.

Changing the rules

Former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally asks

Sussan Ley frozen at the wheel

Palaszczuks respond to Dutton comments

Granddaughter of Polish refugees fleeing the Nazis, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has visited her home electorate of Inala with father Henry to respond to Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s comments that refugees are illiterate, take Australian jobs, live on welfare and use up Medicare. The pair also comment on the recent plan by SBS to film the next season of ‘Struggle Street’ in Inala. Brisbane’s LNP Mayor Graham Quirk has banned SBS from filming on council property which the premier supports.

ABC News Qld: Inala, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Henry Palaszczuk respond to Peter Dutton comments.

ABC News Qld: Inala, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Henry Palaszczuk respond to Peter Dutton comments.

Young Annastacia and Bill

A photo of younger Annastacia Palaszczuk and Bill Shorten has been released.

Young Labor colleagues Chris Brown, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Bill Shorten pictured in the late 1980s. Photo: Supplied

Young Labor colleagues Chris Brown, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Bill Shorten pictured in the late 1980s. Photo: Supplied.

Mal in Merimbula




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