By Mark Anning On 28 July 2013, the oil and gas industry peak body – Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) – issued a press release, stating: “The recent coal seam gas episode of ABC 2’s Shitsville Express was a pleasant surprise – a balanced piece of reporting on coal seam gas.” Shitsville Express […]
Treated CSG water to be pumped into town water supply – story seeking CJ @stephaniedale22
Treated coal seam gas water will be pumped into Chinchilla‘s drinking supply, under a new scheme announced by Western Downs Regional Council. QGC (formerly Queensland Gas Company) has announced it will begin pumping 80 megalitres of treated water a day to the Chinchilla weir, for use in agriculture and for domestic purposes. Western Downs mayor, […]
Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning
By Margo Kingston 9 July, 2013 Today’s original Abbott #BATTLERORT transcript was kindly transcribed by Dr Lachlan Hinds – @Doclach, and Brock Turner – @Turlow1. There are errors and lies throughout – have a go at finding them by reading the letters in EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book. […]
@MediaActive interviews ABC news director @katetorney
Kate Torney, director of news at the ABC, says she welcomes new news media players into the local scene, celebrates constant change in the news industry and affirms the bedrock principles of a publicly funded news organisation as the digital revolution gathers pace Torney has been director of news at the ABC since 2009. She […]