I wish someone would help Mal Brough understand at least one thing. The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in their 27th February 2014 decision on the Ashby appeal of the Rares J decision is NOT about him. It is about whether the primary judge, Justice Rares, appropriately made an interlocutory order […]
Brough lies on #Ashbygate appeal: irrelevant to stolen diary: @NoFibs legal reporter @Boeufblogginon
Turnbull invites the #Ashbygate Zombie to haunt his new Government: @Boeufblogginon comments
The Ashby Affair is like a zombie, one of the undead. You can’t kill it with an axe. It just keeps on walking, slowly and inexorably, towards those who were involved in this sorry saga. While Mal Brough remains in Parliament the issue of his role in the tawdry affair will not go away. Brough’s […]
Slipper soap opera continues: @Boeufblogginon comments
Any matter involving Peter Slipper, it appears, is always going to be complicated. A simple Mention before the Federal Circuit Court this week proved to be no different. Instead of just setting dates for hearings to commence, the court ended-up with a new version of a legal soap opera. In front of Judge Manousaridis, legal […]
The #Ashbyappeal decision: @boeufblogginon explainer
By Joan Evatt 28 February 2014 In a majority decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia Justices Mansfield and Gilmour granted James Ashby the leave to appeal and upheld that appeal thereby overturning the decision of Rares J. A minority decision by Siopis J granted Ashby leave to appeal and then dismissed […]
How will Media, Finance and AFP handle the evidence that the PM is a cheat?
By Margo Kingston, 8 October, 2013 It looks like the Prime Minister is a serial cheat. It’s hard to imagine a bigger test of the integrity and fairness of our democratic institutions than that. Will the press gallery get forensic and press for answers from the PM and action from the authorities? Will the AFP investigate? […]
Ashby v Slipper Appeal: the first round
By Joan Evatt Source: Boeufblogginon February 8th 2013 There were surprisingly few members of the general public present at today’s directions hearing before Emmett J in the matter of the Ashby v Slipper applications for leave to appeal to the Full Bench of the Federal Court. Is this issue dead in the water with the masses […]
Liberals Ashby wall of silence cracks….
First Labor – Liberal media debate on the Ashby Affair: Lateline transcript February 2, David Bradbury-v-Christopher Pyne http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2013/s3681711.htm Margo Kingston comments in red DAVID BRADBURY: … Can I make the point, there is one word I would like to remind Chris of and that’s Ashby and his involvement in the Ashby affair, but more particularly […]
The Ashbygate conspiracy — of silence
By Margo Kingston Source: Independent Australia 18th January 2013 The media spent eight months vilifying Peter Slipper over the James Ashby accusations, but when the Federal Court ruled it was a political set-up — suddenly they weren’t interested. Margo Kingston comments on the scandal behind the conspiracy. Click on the image to see @geeksrulz‘s Storify: ‘The Daily Telegraph coverage […]