The radicalisation of a future prime minister.
From #Watergate to #Ashbygate: A review of “Ashbygate” the book, by Joan Evatt @Boeufblogginon
A few weeks ago Ross Jones and Dave Donovan, of Independent Australia, sent me messages asking me to review Ross’s book on the Ashbygate saga. Despite being as crook as Rookwood I was more than happy to agree, and in due course a copy appeared in my letterbox. I was in the middle of reading […]
Brough lies on #Ashbygate appeal: irrelevant to stolen diary: @NoFibs legal reporter @Boeufblogginon
I wish someone would help Mal Brough understand at least one thing. The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in their 27th February 2014 decision on the Ashby appeal of the Rares J decision is NOT about him. It is about whether the primary judge, Justice Rares, appropriately made an interlocutory order […]
Turnbull invites the #Ashbygate Zombie to haunt his new Government: @Boeufblogginon comments
The Ashby Affair is like a zombie, one of the undead. You can’t kill it with an axe. It just keeps on walking, slowly and inexorably, towards those who were involved in this sorry saga. While Mal Brough remains in Parliament the issue of his role in the tawdry affair will not go away. Brough’s […]
Please @turnbullmalcolm don’t soil new era with #Ashbygate liar @MalBrough_MP: @margokingston1 comments
What? Mal Brough is our Special Minister of State? Excuse me? Like so many Australians, I was filled with an unbearable lightness of being on the removal of Tony Abbott and with hope that a new era of honest, policy-based politics had begun. Yes, there was a little niggle when I saw Brough alongside Turnbull […]
Dear AFP, please investigate #Ashbygate at last, sincerely @GrahamPerrettMP
8 September 2014 Mr Tony Negus Commissioner Australian Federal Police GPO Box 401 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Dear Mr Negus Tony, Re: Potential Commission of Criminal Offences by the Honourable Mal Brough MP 1. I refer to the attached correspondence in relation to this matter dated 21 December, 2012 and 19 March, 2013 containing information alleging criminal […]
More #Ashby #mediafail: Joan Evatt on the appeal
By Joan Evatt @NoFibs legal writer May 13, 2013 The last time I entered a courtroom, nearly 28 years ago, I was so heavily pregnant I waddled rather than walked. I was a character witness for a work colleague discovered driving without a licence. On that occasion I exchanged heated words with the Prosecutor, a pompous […]
#Ashby appeal: Slipper’s turn
By Joan Evatt May 3, 2013 It was Peter Slipper’s turn today in Day 2 of the Ashby v Slipper Appeal. Slipper was represented by well-known Sydney silk, Ian Neil SC. He had to wait for twenty minutes or so while Michael Lee SC endeavoured to add further to his submissions from yesterday. The issues Lee […]
My Twitter interview with #Ashby’s media adviser
By Margo Kingston May 3, 2013 Mr Anthony McClellan followed me this morning, after I tweeted on the #Ashby appeal. His invitation to talk. So I threw him some questions and he threw me some answers. We’ve published the interview for the record here. It is interesting that he chose to speak for Ashby lawyers Harmers […]