By Joan Evatt May 3, 2013 With the exception of Michael Harmer all the key players were there for the media to take quick photos and 15-second video grabs. Peter Slipper and James Ashby are starting to look a little frayed around the edges as they prepare to endure yet another round in this legal […]
Perrett urges AFP to investigate #Ashby now, adds Abetz to list
[clear] By Margo Kingston March 20, 2013 EXCLUSIVE Graham Perrett has written to the AFP demanding it resume its investigation into possible criminal activity surrounding the court action by James Ashby against the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Peter Slipper. He has also added Liberal Senator Eric Abetz to the list of people the […]
Did Mr Pyne stay or leave the room?
Mr Pyne doorstop Adelaide February 3, 2013 Today the Prime Minister has serious questions to answer about how she intends to govern for the next seven months with what is clearly an unravelling government. The Prime Minister needs to confirm whether by elections will be held in the normal course of events, say within two […]
Liberals Ashby wall of silence cracks….
First Labor – Liberal media debate on the Ashby Affair: Lateline transcript February 2, David Bradbury-v-Christopher Pyne Margo Kingston comments in red DAVID BRADBURY: … Can I make the point, there is one word I would like to remind Chris of and that’s Ashby and his involvement in the Ashby affair, but more particularly […]