Intro: Extract of Still Not Happy, John: Defending our Democracy (Penguin 2007) Democracy v. the Beast Her appeal was simply that she represented something authentic in a culture of artefact. She was transparent in an era during which the political class have become expert at concealment. She was a still point in a culture […]
How @margokingston1 saw Hansonism in 2004
July 10, 2016
Filed Under: #auspol, #KingstonReports, Asylum Seekers, Front Page, Hansonism, Immigration, Journalism, MSM, Racism, Refugees Tagged With: Australians for Honest Politics, Coalition, conservative, Fear, Federal Election, John Howard, Kim Beazley, Liberal Party, One Nation, Paul Keating, Pauline Hanson, Peter Costello, Piers Akerman, Tim Dunlop, Tony Abbott, Tony Jones