Unknown numbers of koalas – possibly hundreds – have been killed during plantation logging operations south west of Portland in Victoria this week. Friends of the Earth (FOE) reported koalas were left to starve after logging operations in late December 2019. Last week, surviving koalas were bulldozed into slash piles, along with the bodies of […]
Gruesome koala massacre during logging operations in Victoria: @jansant reports #springst
I felt she was speaking directly to me: @digitdave reflects on @indigocathy and #ActiveDemocracy with @adropex
Like the waters of the Murray-Darling Basin, communities run deep in regional and rural Australia. From the Hawkesbury River and the central coast of New South Wales to the Murray River and the valleys and ranges of north east Victoria, people gathered at Parliament House overlooking Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin to listen to Cathy McGowan’s […]
Shouting at the television and planting gardens: #ActiveDemocracy stories by @adropex
What do shouting at the television and gardening have in common? From little things big things have grown. Gather ’round people, let me tell you a story… or two. Whilst a television was not one of the perks of an Aboriginal stockman’s life in the Northern Territory in 1966, the story of Vincent Lingiari and […]
The #AusVotes preference system or choosing sides when your team can’t make the Grand Final: @adropex stops #ShoutingAtTheTV and comments
The closest I have come to an election campaign was handing out How-to-Vote cards in the Victorian state election last year, but I must admit to being an interested observer of #Auspol since the 2013 federal election which saw a local independent unseat a major party incumbent in the hitherto safe Liberal seat of Indi. […]
Gen Y could change the #ausvotes game this May: @CharliCaruso #SmashingAvocado comments
A few months out from the 2019 Australian federal election the flurry of graphs, predictions and opinion pieces about “safe seats” and “seats in danger” have begun to fill my Twitter feed. These predictions — numbers that often dictate target electorates for a procession of campaign buses — is largely based on the data of […]
The @NoFibs #ausvotes editorial: @margokingston1
Gonski decided it for me. Such a hard-won consensus to end the state-private war and embed a funding system based on need instead. Giving every child the best chance we can to succeed is an economic investment, proof of Australia’s commitment to egalitarianism and insurance against the ‘two nations’ phenomenon threatening revolution in the United […]
Some snowy vox pops before the final #Indivotes week of #ausvotes heat: @Jansant reports
Vox pop questions Have you taken an interest in the election campaign? What is the most important election issue to you? Will the CFA dispute impact how you vote? Are you satisfied with how Cathy McGowan has represented Indi? Tolmie Wade Jackson Not really. Look at re-doing roads. Yes, the CFA saves all the towns […]