It’s hard to fully comprehend, but just eight months after being elected, the Coalition-friendly News Limited broadsheet ‘The Australian’ ran with the headline, ‘Coalition in World of Pain’ emblazoned across its front page early this week. Sure, it was selectively quoting Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who had used the expression in justifying why the Government […]
Seeking a Fair Go in a ‘World of Pain’ by @sarah_capper
May 28, 2014
Filed Under: #auspol, Budget, Economy, Education, Front Page, Retirement, Sarah Capper Tagged With: Age of Entitlement, baby bonus, Budget, budget 2014, Education, Family, Front Page, Gillard Government, Hockey, Howard Government, Ideology, infrastructure, Joe Hockey, Lie, medicare, Michelle Grattan, Minister for Women, promises, respect, Sarah Capper, Superannuation, Tax, Tea Party, Violence against Women, welfare
So who is that Corangamite bloke who reckons ‘Tony is a tool’? @PrimMich investigates
August 27, 2013

By Michelle Primmer August 27, 2013 Last weekend I saw an online photograph of a man standing at the Belmont office of Corangamite Liberal Party candidate Sarah Henderson. He was holding a sign that said ‘Tony Abbott is a tool’. It gave me a laugh, as did seeing the image on Twitter, so when a […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Activism, election2013, Front Page, Grass roots politics, Michelle Primmer Tagged With: Activism, Anthony, baby bonus, bare his behind, Democracy, Indonesian boat buy back, Julie Bishop, Liberal PPL policy, Pokies, Sarah Henderson, school kids’ bonus, Tony Abbott