[clear]About a year ago the rural electorate of Indi had just about turfed out their local member, Sophie Mirabella in the shock result of the 2013 election. It was a result that not even the most optimistic political punter could have predicted. A huge community surge that wiped out a senior Liberal frontbencher in a […]
Rural Victoria rising up against #csg for #VicVotes, by #Indivotes campaigner @camklose
Restoring integrity in politics: @Sally_Owl on what citizens can do
Integrity, Decency, Transparency and Accountability Four words that mean the difference between goodies and baddies, to put it into terms our Prime Minister will understand. So what do these four words that motivated 100,000 people to March in March really mean? Integrity is the adherence to moral and ethical principles. It is demonstrating a sound […]
Look! You Punters just don’t understand ‘time honoured’ traditions ok? @YaThinkN
I saw some awful reports in regard to poor Joe Hockey, our esteemed Treasurer, ‘being for sale‘ in the paper this morning. Scurrilous journalism at it’s best. Sky News was right onto this outrageous slur against our Treasurer’s integrity, with a bit of hardworking investigative journalism, they got right to the heart of this so-called […]
Repair and hope for the #Pilliga Forest, by long-time campaigner Iris Ray Nunn
By Iris Ray Nunn 18th March 2014 Margo: Iris covered the battle to save the Pilliga State Forest from Santos CSG for the No Fibs CSG Citizen Journalism project late last year. It seemed hopeless, then… I know big business has not pulled their CSG operations out of the Pilliga, Yet, but, also, as well […]
Reporting #MarchInMarch, by @jansant
By Wayne Jansson @jansant 5th March 2014 One month into the Abbott Government, a user on Twitter floated the idea of banding together to voice concern about the direction the new Prime Minister was taking Australia. From this seed a movement was formed – MarchInMarch. Fast forward to early March, 2014, and it’s grown into a truly […]
Occupy East Coast Gas Conference – Melinda Wilson reports
NEWS COMMENT By Melinda Wilson Over a hundred people from a wide range of community groups across Sydney and NSW voiced their concerns about the coal seam gas industry outside the East Coast Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney last week. Government and industry were at the 22 October conference to discuss ways for agriculture and […]
My people’s petition for Abbott to reveal his other IPA policies
By Tom Cummings (@cyenne40) April 15, 2013 The Australian Labor Party is often accused of being at the beck and call of the unions. Of course there is a decent element of truth in this, in so far as they both tend to focus on workers rather than corporations, and the historical links between Australia’s unions and […]