The @smh #Webdiary story: Interview with @margokingston1 by @timdunlop in his book ‘The New Front Page’ #MediaMargo

My return to journalism via Twitter was enabled by several readers and contributors to Webdiary, which I’m told by online media academic Axel Bruns was the world’s first Mainstream media interactive blog. I’m now committed to telling my story in journalism in a professional memoir, which will comprise part of a PhD. In A collaborative […]

Mindful ethics for election bloggers and citizen journalists

By Mark Pearson, Professor of Journalism and Social Media, Griffith University, Australia 10 August 2013 Bloggers and citizen journalists come from an array of backgrounds and thus bring varied cultural and ethical values to their blogging. No Fibs asks its citizen journalists to follow the MEAA Code of Ethics, and the journalists’ union has recently […]

MSM to blogger: ‘Stunt – so what did she say?’

By Kim Berry March 5, 2013 EDITOR’S NOTE: Monday night dummy spit: Labor, don't bother with most MSM. Talk to, write for, tweet to new media. And to strong MSM journos – empower them! Take on big media bias. — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) March 4, 2013 Next morning I see this: With blog royalty after their […]