Live blog of the media reports on the “cash for turnbacks” crisis. Check back regularly for updates. (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (February 5, 2016) – Senate inquiry, Canberra. (December 2, 2015) – Court proceedings, Indonesia. (November 8, 2015) – Government operates within the law. (November 5, 2015) – People smugglers go on trial. (October 30, […]
Wake up. Roll over. Realise this could be the last morning before Tony Abbott becomes PM
By Sarah Capper 6 September 2013 Savour the moment, but only fleetingly – the incumbent PM is not exactly shaking the sauce bottle. Momentarily think about sex appeal. Come properly awake with a flurry of gag reflexes. Turn on the remnants of ABC Rage, but suddenly have painful flashback to last week and Julie Bishop’s music choices. Realise […]
Independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber: @gemoo4 interview
By Georgie Moore @gemoo4 5 September 2013 Candidate Q&A I talk politics with independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber. Georgie: You are running as an independent pro-nuclear conservative. When people think of a conservative political candidate, the first thing that crosses their mind usually isn’t a push for nuclear power. Do you think your candidacy has […]
The Greens face in Corangamite: @PrimMich reports
By Michelle Primmer, 7 August, 2013 Politics is a pretty brutal place, at least from where I view it. There seems to be so much anger and vitriol it’s hard to imagine wanting to get involved. Everyone has an opinion and they’re not afraid to call you a d***head as you walk by or to […]
Alexander talks up 24-hour spy cameras in low-crime Bennelong
By Jack Sumner 5 August 2013 The July 10 edition of the local Weekly Times featured Cameras to zoom in on racism, in which federal MP John Alexander proposed that the federal government pay for CCTV cameras on shop awnings in Rowe Street, Eastwood, in the heart of his Bennelong electorate in Sydney’s northern suburbs. Why? […]
Higgins MP Kelly O’Dwyer: @gemoo4 interview
By Georgie Moore 4 August 2013 I talk personal and party politics with the Liberal MP for Higgins Kelly O’Dwyer. Georgie: How did you get into politics? O’Dwyer: Well, look, I was always interested in politics. I do not come from a political family. My family were interested in the issues affecting their local community. […]
Morrison’s brick wall on how he’ll stop the boats
By Peter Clarke March 26, 2013 Yesterday, we published a detailed de-construction of an interview between the ABC 730’s Leigh Sales and Prime Minister Julia Gillard. It was a critique of Sales for what we opined were her inadequate interview techniques in that specific context and of Julia Gillard for her blatant refusal to answer questions […]