Wangaratta goes wild for democracy: @Jansant reports hot #Indivotes forum

By Wayne Jansson 30 August 2013 STOP PRESS: The Coalition is looking increasingly shaky from rural Australia as former National Party MP Ken Jasper publicly pledges his support for Independent candidate for Indi Cathy McGowan. Jasper was recently seen showing McGowan around at a local football match.McGowan placed an advertisement in the Border Mail today, […]

‘The night I got politically engaged’: How @TomAnderson62 found himself live tweeting #Indivotes

By Tom Anderson @TomAnderson62 I have always been fascinated with politics, especially elections. I guess that started when I worked as a ‘Polling Clerk’ at 15 at a booth at Mont Park in Macleod back in about 1977. How did a 15 year old get a job that had a prerequisite of ‘must be enrolled on electoral […]