Coalition’s 10% NBN cost save locks us out of massive upside

Editor’s note: Steve Jenkin is a geek who wants to make the NBN tech stuff accessible to all. He has agreed to be a @NoFibs contributor. so feel free to ask your NBN questions as a comment. By Steve Jenkin Source: April 29, 2013 The volume of words written and spoken about the NBN must startle […]

@sortius on how and why the Coalition’s NBN policy is designed to fail

By Kieran Cummings (@sortius) April 12, 2013 Since the release of the Coalition’s broadband policy on Tuesday it has become clear that the policy is designed to fail. Even if taken at face value it is clear that the plan will not be able to meet its targets. So why devise a policy destined to fail? One simple […]

@NoFibs NBN policy articles curated by citizen journo @pascalg15

By Pascal Grosvenor April 11, 2013 With all the claims and counter claims going back and forth via Twitter or Facebook I’ve been getting frustrated,because there’s lots of incorrect facts and sometimes outright lies being perpetrated. People on both sides of the political debate have been guilty of this. My goal is to collate the articles […]

Coalition’s NBN plan to stop consumers taking control of media

By Kieran Cummings (@sortius) April 9th, 2013 The Coalition held its broadband policy launch at, wait for it, Murdoch’s Fox Sports, And the press secretary handed out copies of Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph instead of policy documents. Guess what the final outcome of Malcolm Turnbull’s broadband plan will be. The policy debate will heat up over the coming months because […]