After Emma Alberici questioned Malcolm Turnbull’s commitment to liberalism, Chris Kenny lept to the defence of the PM. So we now have a Liberal PM who's whacking a tax on banks, interfering in energy mkt & now using taxpayer $ to prop up commercial media 🤔 — Emma Alberici (@albericie) September 13, 2017 Have economics […]
Energy and economics: @albericie Vs @chriskkenny Twitter battle – @Qldaah #auspol
Caleb Bond takes out this week’s #GoldKenny award – @Qldaah #auspol
‘Let’s attack North Korea’ mentality takes out the award for this week.
Lyle Shelton and Cella White take out this week’s #GoldKenny award – @Qldaah #auspol #qldpol
Marriage equality is the topic of this week’s Gold Kenny award.
The collected rage of Chris Kenny post-Abyan interview – @Qldaah #auspol
Analysis The Australian’s associate editor and former chief of staff to Malcolm Turnbull, Chris Kenny was the first and only journalist to be granted a visa to visit and report on the Australian asylum seeker detention centres located on the island nation of Nauru. Neither the paper or Kenny would confirm if the $8,000 application fee was paid. A […]
@albericie debates @chriskkenny on media self regulation reform: And the winner is? @chriskkenny It's not a left/right issue but one of fairness why should TV & radio news be regulated but print news not? who's politicking? — Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013 @chriskkenny Broadcasters already regulated through ACMA what is wrong with PIMA ensuring press does what its own self-reg says it will? — […]
My conversation with a Murdoch press release
By Margo Kingston March 16, 2013 Has anyone seen a piece discussing the REAL effects of media reforms on Murdoch's Australian empire? The freedom of press thing is crap. — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) March 15, 2013 .@chriskkenny, what would the effect of Conroy's media proposals be on Murdoch's capacity to expand his Australian media empire? — […]