On Friday, March 28, 2014, Tony Fitzgerald condemned Campbell Newman’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government for proposed changes to Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC). In a written submission to the parliamentary committee reviewing the bill, Mr Fitzgerald described the move as: “the final step needed to remove the Commission’s independence entirely and bring it completely […]
Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald QC names Queensland power abuses: @Qldaah analysis
#leardblocksde stops #Whitehaven work – Margo’s Day 13 live Twitter report
Citizen Journo MARGO KINGSTON preview of Tuesday’s action at the #leardblockadeon Citizen journalist Margo Kingston talks to Paul Bevan about #leardblockade and the hash tag as space for comment from all sides of the debate on the Maules Creek mine in Western NSW. He also speaks to 91 year old Bill Ryan on why he […]
It’s time, Finance and AFP: Randall’s Cairns claim must be investigated
[clear] By Margo Kingston 20 October, 2013 OK, we’re starting to get to the pointy end of the political travel rorts scandal. My understanding of the Don Randall matter is this. In November 2012 the Perth MP and a family member flew to Cairns for an overnight stay. . He claimed the $5259 trip was “electorate […]
Alexander talks up 24-hour spy cameras in low-crime Bennelong
By Jack Sumner 5 August 2013 The July 10 edition of the local Weekly Times featured Cameras to zoom in on racism, in which federal MP John Alexander proposed that the federal government pay for CCTV cameras on shop awnings in Rowe Street, Eastwood, in the heart of his Bennelong electorate in Sydney’s northern suburbs. Why? […]
Stonewalling on steroids: ABC fails transparency test
EDITORS NOTE: When there is more information on an ABC apology and reprimand to Jon Faine from right wing blogger Michael Smith’s website than from the ABC itself you smell a story. Thanks to Tweep donations AFHP commissioned journalist Peter Clarke to pursue it. Both he and I thought the story would have been told […]